Friday, January 28, 2022

Biological Essentialism - It's Alive‼

Search "biological essentialism" on Yandex and you get 28K hits:

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Our latest book Biological Essentialism tackles Aristotle, UnDarwinism, human exceptionalism, worldview, bias, renegade scientists, Dawkins vs. Dawkins, natural kinds, gender confusion and the sanctity of human life among other topics.

My book is available now:

Your thoughtful review on Barnes&Noble is most welcome.

Feel free to contact us for interviews and speaking engagements:


#Aristotle #Darwinism #HumanExceptionalism #worldview #bias #scientist  #Dawkins #NaturalKinds #gender #HumanLife #TrueTruth #FreePress  #PhillyStatement

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Richard Dawkins and Book Justice

   ** UPDATE **

My book seems to be available now:

Did you know that Clinton Richard Dawkins (b. 1941, Nairobi)* apparently  endorses cannibalism?  Or that he participated in a debate with A.E. Wilder-Smith (d. 1995).  See below for the quotes from my book published last year.


I self-published my latest book (Biological Essentialism) through Barnes and Noble.  Since I attempted to change the price, my book has vanished since the middle of December (2021).  Here is an excerpt from my book (Chapter 1).  Please join my letter writing campaign to the B&N CEO to get my book on bio-essentialism out of limbo:


Attn. James Daunt, CEO



Jay Hall M.S. (Math, 53 hrs. Science)

fmr. Asst. Math Prof. – Howard College (11 years)

fmr. Journalist – interviewed Maya Angelou

proud member of the Choctaw Nation (OK)

My site:


On cannibalism, Dawkins said this on a tweet from March 3rd, 2018:


Tissue culture "clean meat" already in 2018?  I've long been looking forward to this.  What if human meat is grown?  Could we overcome our taboo against cannibalism?  An interesting test case for consequentialist morality versus "yuck reaction" absolutism. [1]

Dawkins had a little-known debate with A.E. Wilder-Smith (who had 3 earned Doctorates).  Special kudos goes out to Paul Humber for helpful research on this topic.  The Oxford Union Debate of 1986, also known as the Huxley Memorial Debate, dealt with origins.  During this intellectual row, Dawkins' rhetoric goes far afield of a reasoned defense of Darwin:


...a professional zoologist finds it rather depressing that this debate has to take place at all.  To get an idea of how it feels to people like Professor Maynard-Smith [Dawkins' partner in the debate] and myself; imagine that you’re an ancient historian called to the dispatch box to defend the proposition that the Roman Empire ever existed. [2]


Questioning evolution and denying the reality of the Roman Empire are as alike as chalk and cheese.  You can look up online the writings of Cicero, Virgil, Ovid or Tacitus (d. ~125 AD).  We cannot read the eyewitness account of a reptile, slowly turning into a pigeon after myriads of generations.




1) Biological Essentialism by Jay L. Hall (True Truth Productions, Big Spring, TX, 2021), p. 210.

2) p. 221.


*Kenya dig it?

#OxfordUnion #Wilder_Smith #cannibalism #Dawkins #Books #BarnesAndNoble #Justice #BiologicalEssentialism  #TrueTruth #Science #HumanExceptionalism

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Martin Luther King & Book Justice

  ** UPDATE **

My book seems to be available now:


Did you know that Martin Luther King (d. 1968), whose holiday is coming up, defended the sanctity of human life?  See below for the quotes from my latest book.


I self-published my latest book (Biological Essentialism) through Barnes and Noble.  Since I attempted to change the price, my book has vanished.  Here is an excerpt from my book (Chapter 1).  Please join my letter writing campaign to the B&N CEO to get my book on bio-essentialism out of limbo:


Attn. James Daunt, CEO



Jay Hall M.S. (Math, 53 hrs. Science)

fmr. Asst. Math Prof. – Howard College (11 years)

fmr. Journalist – interviewed Maya Angelou

proud member of the Choctaw Nation (OK)

My site:


Is man a tragic crash in the cosmos?  Martin Luther King actually opposed, 


... the doctrine of materialism, which contends that reality may be explained in terms of matter in motion ... that man is a transient accident of protons and electrons traveling blind, that thought is a temporary product of gray matter, and that the events of history are an interaction of matter and motion operating by the principle of necessity. ... This materialistic philosophy leads inevitably into a dead-end street in an intellectually senseless world.  To believe that human personality is the result of the fortuitous interplay of atoms and electrons is as absurd as to believe that a monkey by hitting typewriter keys at random will eventually produce a Shakespearean play.  Sheer magic!  It is much more sensible to say with Sir James Jeans, the physicist, that “the universe seems to be nearer to a great thought than to a great machine,” [1]


Martin Luther King spoke of humans as image-bearers:


Man is more than an animal.  ...Man is a being of spirit.  This is ultimately that which distinguishes man from his animal ancestry.  ...We cannot imagine an animal writing a Shakespearian play.  We have never seen a group of animals sitting down discussing intricate problems concerning the political and economic structure of a society.  We have never come across a group of animals speculating on the nature and destiny of the universe. ... [we hold] that man is made in the image of God.  ...Man is a spiritual being born to have communion with the eternal God of the universe.  God creates every individual for a purpose - to have fellowship with him. [2]



1) Biological Essentialism by Jay L. Hall (True Truth Productions, Big Spring, TX, 2021), pp. 123, 124.

2) Ibid., p. 124.


#MartinLutherKing #Books #BarnesAndNoble #Justice #BiologicalEssentialism  #TrueTruth #Science #JamesDaunt #HumanExceptionalism