Be sure to catch our latest video. We tackle a potpourri of topics:
Thunder & C-14, Tree Rings & Ammonites, Norman Macbeth (Darwin Retried), OMNI magazine & censorship ... #Rubio #NormanMacbeth #Darwin
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Hotep = B @ ☮
Earlier this month the New York Supreme Court rejected a claim by an advocacy group that two chimps held in captivity should be treated like legal persons. The Nonhuman Rights Project sought to free the chimps from their human owners (chimps are people too).
Does your chimp own a stone toolbox with power drills and
vise-grips? Does your pet chimp use
stone tools to butcher deer (or dinos)?
When did man first use stone tools?
Go ahead and guess ... ... ...
[insert Jeopardy tune ♫]
Here we see butcher marks on a 3.4M year old bone found in
Dikika, Ethiopia. Until recently, the
earliest known stone tools were 2.6M years old.
That's a difference of 800K years!
We would place doubt on the dating methods and state that the butcher
marks points to human action.
In our book YES -Young Earth Science we have a whole chapter showing the flaws of
radiometric dating (radioactive dating, radiodating). Be sure to visit our website early and often
(TotalYouth.us). Also, please check out
our videos and podcast.