Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Collapse of Old Earth


Suppose you wanted to know the modern name of Constantinople, you could reach for an encyclopedia.  Or, you may wind up the #Inter_Webbz and learn about New Amsterdam's cousin.  Try this search on ur fave app >>

   "young earth" evidence science history

Now compare your results with these ...








Because the case for Young Earth Science #YES is hard to find, the head-long collapse of the Old Earth Enterprise is delayed.

There is a worldwide sequence of rock layers known as the Sauk Sequence. We go from cobble&boulder layers to sand then shale and then fine-grained deposits like limestone.  This entire series lies atop the Great Unconformity which we see at the bottom of the Grand Canyon for example.



This would seem to indicate a great disaster over the whole earth.  Our global traditions of a Great Deluge serve as evidence of this historic event:



The variety of rock layers geologists commonly study can form rapidly.  Consider this conclusion from Juergen Schieber et al writing in the Journal of Sedimentary Research:


These experiments demonstrate unequivocally that carbonate muds can also accumulate in energetic settings. ... Observations from modern carbonate environments and from the rock record suggest that deposition of carbonate muds by currents [up to 20 in/s] could have been common throughout geologic history.


The December 23, 1963 issue of Newsweek (b. 1933) reported on a meeting of The American Geological Society where some attendees, "were advising the rehabilitation of catastrophism."  The Science Editor of Newsweek said that catastrophism is "a fighting word among geologists. It is a theory based on divine intervention."  According to the late Bolton Davidheiser (Ph.D. Zoology - Johns Hopkins), "This attitude is unscientific and it seems to be part of a larger conspiracy aimed at the denial of a personal God, and particularly at discounting the atonement of Christ." [1]

How did we get here?  Where did the Old Earther partisan paradigm come from?   "Defending a Young Earth" is a 25 episode series with Dr. Terry Mortenson (Ph.D. History of Geology - Coventry Univ.) that will open your eyes to a youthful world:



My History of Science Prof, David Kitts, former Curator of OU's Natural History Museum (Norman, OK), wrote the primary Philosophy of Geology:


He admitted in class that overthrusts pose a challenge for mainstream Geology.


After detailing inconsistencies with radiometric chronology Gerald Kerkut (d. 2004) said, "We have, then, as yet, no accurate objective clock that will allow us to determine the absolute age of the majority of the rocks of the world.  Instead we have to go mainly on stratigraphical data and there too we find several problems" (quoted in Biological Essentialism, p. 327, see link below).  Kerkut wrote The Implications of Evolution and was the editor of Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology.


How about those gaps in the Rock Record?  Up to 200M years!



According to my Dictionary of Geological Terms (3e, ed. by Bates & Jackson, p. 368) a paraconformity is "An obscure of uncertain unconformity in which no erosion surface is discernible or in which the contact is a simple bedding plane ..."  I say the missing time never existed and we see relatively continuous  deposition.


How many "kinds" are there?

My book Biological Essentialism delves into the many mysteries of Essential Types of Life (ETL's), such as horses, hydras and humans, and challenges the transformist educational system:



As for the theological argument for a "New" Planet (not Old), be sure to catch this superb prose from Jason DeRouchie:



My books challenge Darwin & Deep Time:



** kudos >> collapse of planet graphic:



Where is Constance N. Opal? - 4 Lads ♫



FYI: My set of encyclopedias is World Book from 1977.



1) quoted in Evolution and Christian Faith by Bolton Davidheiser (Presbyterian and Reformed, 1969), pp. 288.


#YoungEarthScience #YES #YETI #YoungEarth_TheoryIntelligence #OEF #OldEarthFallacies #BoltonDavidheiser #Presbyterian #Reformed #Constantinople #Istanbul #NewAmsterdam #NYC #Theymight_BGiantz #FourLadz #Darwin #DeepTime #NewEarth #Youthful_World #Y6K #God #Bible #Jesus #JN316 #Gospel #RU_Chosen ? <>< ╬  #JasonDeRouchie #BioEss  #BiologicalEssentialism #paraconformity #DavidKitts #GeraldKerkut #TerryMortenson #AiG #CMI #icr #CRS #radiometric #Newsweek #Geology #FloodLegendz #GrandCanyon #SearchEngine #Got_MOSAIC ? #WorldBook    

Saturday, July 20, 2024

YES - A Trip Down Memory Lane


Do *YOU* remember creating #PlanetEarth ??

So, you don't actually "know" how old our fantastic home truly is, Right?

Deep Time is based on evolution.  The only place you'll find "instant evolution" is on another planet ... one where smart #APES rule the day:


#YES >> #YoungEarthScience


Ivano Dal Prete (Senior Lecturer - History of Science @ Yale) has written a pro-OldEarth tome - On the Edge of Eternity: The Antiquity of the Earth in Medieval and Early Modern Europe which came out in 2022:  


You can read a large chunk of the book by hitting the "Read sample" button.


On page 4 Ivano references Aristotle.  I defend the view that Aristotle's Biology naturally leads to a #YoungEarth stance in the last chapter of this book:  



On pages 5&6, Ivano deals with Martin Rudwick, a great writer on Geological topics.  Here is my response to The Meaning of Fossils (Rudwick):


And also Earth's Deep History by Rudwick:



On page seven of Edge of Eternity we read this,


The core teachings transmitted by the book of Genesis, such as that the world was made by God with an act of free will and that a sinful mankind was exterminated by a flood in a not too distant past, were rarely questioned.


Some three-year-olds even know the first verse of the Bible: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen. 1:1).  That's the whole universe at the start, not just the earth.  The sun, moon & stars were made on #Day4 (Gen. 1:14-19).


What about "sinful mankind was exterminated by a flood" in the context of Genesis Six thru Eight (3 whole chapters‼).  The #GlobalFlood destroyed the whole world:


So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth." (Gen. 6:13)


For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth.  The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water.  They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. (Gen. 7:17-19)


But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being and the earth was formed out of water and by water.  By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed.  By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly. (2 Peter 3:5-7)


The Antedeluvians could have traveled around the globe.  I argue for early human global navigation here:


So, if sinful people were everywhere, that implies a #Universal_Deluge


Did you see #Moana ?  Polynesians settled nearly every island in the Central & Eastern Pacific.  In 1976, a traditional double canoe made it from Tahiti to Honolulu.



Augustine is quoted on page 15.  Interestingly, the Bishop of Hippo (Numidia) held to a youthful world:



Even mainstream #Science admits that the tectonic planet may move as fast as seven times the current speed:



I argue for Rapid Plate Movements #RPM in this podcast:



Dr Don Batten (Ph.D. - Plant Science) vs. #OEFs



Fields, Diamond et al of Argonne National Laboratory have suggested that the solar flare proton flux may have been greater in the past:


Could this have affected radioactive decay rates?


♪ Mem Ln ♫ (Dan "rockin" Amos) >>



my site: https://totalyouth.us

my vidz: https://www.youtube.com/@YoungEarthScienceYES/videos


Dinosaurs in the Bible? ... You bet! (cf. Pr. 13:11, Heb. 13:5) #Express #UK  Sebastian Kettley goes #DINO ...



#DevilsTower #UFO #MUFON #Closed_N_Qounterz ☺ #OEFs #OldEarthFallacies #gambling $$ #P(evo)≈0.00 #StarCompass #StickChart #Astrolabe #Moana #TheRock #DwayneJohnson #WWE #WWF #WWG #Owen Teague #Noa #NOAH #GF #Deluge #FreyaAllan #Nova #Neo #KevinDurand #Caesar #Cesar #LydiaPeckham #Kosher #Soona #AndyMcPhee #MacFly #Elder #DichenLachman #Corina #CorinaCorina #YU_domii_Wrong ?? ♫ #instalution #InstantEvolution #Got_Apez ? #TrueTruth #Got_DINOz ? #PSALM8 

Friday, May 31, 2024

The Bidenator-in-Chief vs. the #HeatDeath of the Universe!

The Second Law of Thermodynamics says that entropy increases over time.  When you put #cream in ur coffee and stir it up, the cream does not get "unstirred."  Thus our good friend #Cosmos1 must ultimately be diagnosed with a #HeatDeath as entropy progressively increases toward a maximum where work is impossible.




Since the #Universe is still with us, there must have been a beginning (cf. Gen. 1:1) and #Creation is true.


According to #SwissCows Biden has no interest in Intelligent Design (ID):


That is, the search yields Ø


What is the connection between Creation and a #YoungEarth ?  I argue the following:


Aristotle's Biology >> Biological Essentialism >> Catastrophism >> Young Earth


My book Biological Essentialism (pub. 2021):   



I have written two books defending a youthful world from #History & #Science

Is a Young Earth Possible?  ★★★★½


YES - Young Earth Science  ★★★★



Biden claims to be Catholic. Thaddeus Kozinski, former Academic Dean and

Associate Professor of Philosophy at Wyoming Catholic College stated that,


I am speaking of the Catholic theistic evolutionists. They overstep science’s bounds when they claim that debatable theories, such as the theory of evolution, are "facts" -  something that Pius XII condemned very unequivocally with regard to evolution in Humani Generis [1950].  They overstep science’s bounds again when they attempt to render certain non-verified, non-facts, such as common descent from mono-celled organisms, as verified, indisputable facts by recourse to, not actual indisputable evidence, but the social force of the so-called "scientific consensus," that same force that fires and character-assassinates people who publish peer-reviewed scientific articles that  conclude to, say, intelligent design of certain processes, and that excludes anyone but committed evolutionists to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences …  They overstep theology’s bounds when they dismiss the very serious challenges, not just to evolutionary theory, but to the very fact of evolution itself, from not only the Catholic  Magisterium and Fathers of the Church, but also from the latest scientific evidence,  which has, it must be said, proved neither common descent of humans from primitive organisms, nor the generation of all life, in all its glorious complexity and design, from mindless natural selection conserving random genetic variation and mutation.



Is "Sleepy Joe" headed for #Purgatory ?  According to the Council of Trent (1545-1563 AD):  


CANON XXX, If any one saith, that, after the grace of Justification has been received, to every penitent sinner the guilt is remitted, and the debt of eternal punishment is blotted out in such wise, that there remains not any debt of temporal punishment to be discharged either in this world, or in the next in Purgatory, before the entrance to the kingdom of heaven can be opened (to him); let him be anathema.



Thaddeus Kozinski - Teacher of Philosophy & Great Books:



Australian philosopher Michael Devitt (CUNY - NYC) has a  book with the same title as mine (Oxford University Press):



#Bidenator - cool font:



#Authoritarian #Kleptocrat #Got_Taters ? #RichardsTatorz ☺ #Canon #Cannon #FultonCounty #BohaiHarvest #BHR #Afghan #Pashto #MarcTheissen #CUNY_NYC #ThaddeusKozinski #GreatBooks #Adler #Truth_in_Religion ⛨⛪ 

#HeatEngine #Thermodynamicz #entropy #N_Tropez #Work_is_MAD #f_eq_ma #MichaelDevitt #Philosophy #Council_of_Trent #BB6640 #HeatDeath #RCC  #Catholic #Magisterium #EarlyChurchFathers ╬ #HumaniGeneris #PopePius

#IntelligentDesign #ID ♫ #DISCO_Institute #CanU_C_attle ?  #Lat47.61_LongNeg122.34 #Mu #arn #BiologicalEssentialism #BioEss #YoungEarth #YoungEarthScience #YES #Y6K #MK10_6 #GEN5and11     

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Join the #YoungEarth Revolution!


When it comes to origins we must face the question, “What happened“?  That is, did man come from molecules or are Essential Types of Life (ETL's) limited with respect to variability?  Biological essentialism implies stability and variety among basic categories of life.

If I said that President Kennedy’s head wound was the result of abuse of exotic Norwegian teas, you might think me insane.  Most agree that JFK was shot, but in some circles the “who” is controversial.

It is possible to be an essentialist and an atheist - they are wrong about the existence of God, but at least they’re correct with respect to what happened in the history of life.  Surely the ability of the incubator bird to keep its eggs at 91°F and 99.5% humidity did not evolve.[1]  When did an intelligent agent make a cell phone, bridge or clock through “evolution”?  Evolution is the method of an inefficient “god.”

Essentialism implies a young earth. If biological entities reproduce their own type, then all the main categories have always coexisted.  In order to match this view with the geologic record the time scale must be collapsed.[2]  That is, corals, frogs and people have always coexisted.  “Who did it?” is not the only important question.  “What happened?” is also critical.

The earth is cursed because of Adam’s sin (Gen. 3:17) and even the stars are impure in God’s sight (Job 25:5).  Stars blow up and thus lack perfection.  God made man perfect from the beginning (Eccl. 7:29, Mt. 19:4).  In conclusion, there were no tornadoes before Adam and Eve sinned.  This makes theistic evolution impossible.

The Westminster Confession states that God created, “...the world, and all things therein whether visible or invisible, in the space of six days; and all very good” (ch. 4.1).  That is, galaxies and angels are untouched by sin at the end of six days when man was created.  Also, the universe cannot be billions of years older than man!

Consider the following creationists:  Steven Austin (Ph.D. Geology) was published in the International Geology Review in 1999.  David Phillips (M.A. Paleoanthropology) works at the paleontology lab at the La Brea Tar Pits.  John Oller (Ph.D. General Linguistics) is an elected member of the New York Academy of Sciences.  Kurt Wise (Ph.D. Geology - Harvard) was privileged to have the late Stephen J. Gould as his principal advisor!  The “Against All Odds” video series, part of the Annenberg/CPB collection, is shown in many statistics university courses and contains a segment in program 2 entitled “Lightning Strikes in Colorado.”  It focuses on the research of Raul Lopez (Ph.D. Atmospheric Science) - a creationist![3] 


#DarwinDoubters of the world unite!  David Berlinski (Ph.D. Mathematics - Princeton) said, “The theory of evolution is the great white elephant of contemporary thought.  It is large, almost entirely useless, and the object of superstitious awe.”[4]  Thomas Emmel (d. 2018), who earned his Ph.D. in Population Biology from  Stanford, stated, “To me, the concept of God is a logical outcome of the study of the immense universe that lies around us…. the evidence is all too pervasive for me to think otherwise."  Arno Penzias (Nobel prize in physics for 1978) claimed, “Creation is supported by all the data so far.”[5]  Penzias’ sentiments are echoed by another Nobel prize winner in physics (1927), Arthur H. Compton: 


Science is the glimpse of God’s purpose in nature. The very existence of the amazing world of the atom and radiation points to a purposeful creation, to the idea that there is a God and an intelligent purpose back of everything ... An orderly universe testifies to the greatest statement ever uttered: "In the beginning, God."[6]


Even an atheist can hold to the fixity of kinds.  G. H. Harper published an article in The School Science Review (a British educational journal) advocating the “steady state theory of species.”  In other words, bears reproduce bears and frogs make frogs - biological essentialism.  Harper is an atheist.[7]


I was happy to take a course in the History of Science from Dr. David B. Kitts, formerly a professor of Geology, at the University of Oklahoma.  In that course he pointed out that many supposed overthrusts - where “old” rocks lay uniformly upon “young” rocks -  show no evidence of this interpretation, such as breccia at the contact, and has not been sufficiently answered by the evolutionary establishment.  In an oft quoted article, Kitts proclaimed, “If a paleontologist claims to have supported the fundamental tenets of Darwinian theory in citing the fossil record then he has indeed committed a methodological error.”[8]        

Dr. Kitts debated Duane Gish and Henry Morris in 1973 and was a student of the famous evolutionist George Gaylord Simpson.[9]  In an interview in 1981, Kitts said, “Aristotle, to a greater extent than almost anyone we know about, relied upon his observations.  He observed that individual members of a species do not persist but kinds do persist. ... Evolutionists have a very elaborate abstract theory that compels us to suppose that species do not persist.”  Furthermore, Kitts claimed, “The fossil record is consistent with an astronomical number of theories.  The fossil record does not prove evolution; nothing proves evolution.”[10]


Let us examine the wise words of Rufus Porter (d. 1884), the founder of Scientific American, who boldly proclaimed,


First, then, let us, as rational creatures, be ever ready to acknowledge God as our Creator and daily Preserver; and that we are each of us individually dependant on his special care and good will towards us, in supporting the wonderful action of nature which constitutes our existence; and in preserving us from the casualties, to which our complicated and delicate structure is liable.[11]


One can be an atheist and still attack evolution.  By "essentialism" I mean that all basic types of life vary within limits and we are not the amoeba's cousin. Herbert Spencer, an atheist, wrote "Illogical Geology" critiquing many of the ideas upon which Darwin based his arguments!    


my site: https://totalyouth.us



1) The Evolution of a Creationist by Jobe Martin (Biblical Discipleship Pub., 1994), p.45.

2) Henry Morris noticed this decades ago.

3) Some scientists alive today who accept the biblical account of creation:


4) "Keeping an Eye on Evolution" by David Berlinski,

The Globe & Mail, Nov. 2, 1996, p. D10:


5) Some Interesting Statements By Scientists (9-4-99):


6) Arthur Compton Quotes:


7) Harper, G. H., “Alternatives to Evolutionism,” The School Science Review, 1979, 61:15-27.

8) Kitts, David, “Search for the Holy Transformation,” Paleobiology, 1979, 5(3): p. 353.

9) Morris, Henry ed. et al, Creation: Acts Facts Impacts, Creation-Life Pub., 1974, p. 40.

10) personal interview with Dr. David B. Kitts, 10/7/1981 in Norman, Oklahoma:


11) Rufus Porter (inventor) facts for kids:


Monday, April 22, 2024

Young Earth Today 2031 - Happy Young Earth Day 2024

Welcome to Young Earth Today 2031 - Happy Young Earth Day 2024

Say “H3LL0” to #YoungEarthDay ‼


Go to my site to see my Young Earth Blog:




According to "Clod" - the Real Fly AI Guy:

Q: What is the latest or most recent scientific evidence for the young earth perspective?

A: There is no scientific evidence that supports the idea of a young Earth that is only a few thousand years old. This perspective, often called "young Earth creationism," contradicts the overwhelming body of scientific evidence from multiple fields including physics, chemistry, geology, cosmology, biology, and others.

The scientifically accepted age of the Earth is about 4.54 billion years old, based on extensive evidence from radiometric dating of rock samples, cosmic bombardment rates, radioactive decay processes, and observations of the structure and composition of the Earth, sun, and other bodies in our solar system and universe.

Some would say Young Earth Science (YES) is just so much baby talk: "goo-goo this and goo-goo that!"  However, I am not daunted by such opposition.  I have written two books supporting the #YoungEarth perspective from History and Science:

Is a Young Earth Possible?  ★★★★½


YES - Young Earth Science  ★★★★



"Clod" is incorrect in claiming that is would not have access to my books.

Clod came out in 2023 and my books were published a few years ago.

Oaf.ai and Dolt.ai were not available for comment.

Clod even fails in basic logic ... I asked about the #AgeOfEarth controversy and the #AI_Guy switched topics to the Planets and the Cosmos ‼  I defend a young Solar System in this work (ch. 13):



** and now for a short #PoetryBreak ...  

There once was a planet named Earth

The Lord gave it true beauty and birth

Some may think it odd

To get your #dating from GOD,

But I say wii must go #YoungEarth ‼

       ice-jay (4-15-24 AD)

AND in case you don't know about the traditional Hebrew Chronology, you can find it in Genesis 5 & 11. (Johnny Mac BB)


Hey Clod!  Are you listening?  Let me break this down to your level.

A number of trees may live for thousands of years: Sequoias, Redwoods, Pines, Junipers and Olive trees.  So, where are the trees in the fossil record with say 2K rings or more and dated around 100M or older?  Could the lack of such evidence point to a youthful world?  See my books that favor a #NewEarthNow ! >>


Mr. Clod puts "young Earth creationism" in quotes.  Just search “Professor of Creationism” on LYCOS and you get ZIP:


Or try “Professor of Intelligent Design” ... ZIP as well:



Yes Virginia, the #InterWebz missed it again!  There really is a Professor of ID and his name is Dr. Tom Woodward who taught at Trinity College of Florida (they named the town after the college!).  Dr. Woodward (Pres. of the CS Lewis Society) taught  “Darwinism and Intelligent Design” which was first offered in 2012:


The course tackles the scientific debate over creation, evolution and intelligent design (ID):


Dr. Woodward's bio:



Meta.ai, in contrast, provides a fair answer to the question we started with (see above) and even provides the references!



The 10 Best Evidences from Science That Confirm a Young Earth:


"Five Global Evidences for a Young Earth" by Jake Hebert, Ph.D.:  


So, maybe we should skip the #PolarBears, penquins and #ButlersNamedJeeves and go with the #Llama ...


If you search #YoungEarth on Rumble you get some videos that may stir your curiosity, including one of mine (the last):



** My 3rd Rock Ain't Old** #ThirdRok #GotYoungEarth ??


and this 2 ...



It would be great if someone could sponsor the following National Survey …

How Old is the Earth?

A)  4,000 years

B)  6,000 years

C)  8,000 years

D)  10,000 years

E)  More than 10,000 years

Please contact me if you are willing to help in this project:



A research paper published this year by Hebert, Overman & Sherwin reveals that  certain oysters in the fossil record seem to have lived much longer than their living counterparts.  It is not uncommon for some oysters to live seven years, yet their cousins in the ancient past may have lived 23 years!


Oysters are bivalves, salt-water mollusks.  #GetPearly_Withit

This evidence fits well with the great ages of the #Patriarchs with some living as long as nearly a millennium (cf. Methuselah @ 969 yo, Gen. 5:27).

The Sumerian King List makes sense if you "translate" if from the base-60 system to our decimal format:


I discuss extreme human longevity here:



Search #YoungEarthDay on Swiss Cows and you get a number of helpful results:





Earth Day w/ Walter Kronkite (1970):



Earth Day was founded in 1970 as a day of education on enviro-extremist issues,  green living & climate hysteria.  As the brainchild of Senator Gaylord Nelson (d. 2005)  it was inspired by the #Radical protests of the 1960s,  Earth Day began as a “national teach-in on the environment” and was held on April 22 raising public awareness of pollution and plastic meatz ☺ ...



A helpful article from Tulsa World (I went to HS there for a short time) >> 

Age of the Earth Controversy Heating Up as "Young Earthers" Speak Out

  by Bill Sherman (2019):    


Young Earth Today 2030 - Got #SciFry ??



Young Earth Today - A Portpourri of YES (see the tree ring argument):



What do various scholars think about the Age-of-the-Earth #Controversy ?



A response ...



YES cup (K's NOT B's) >>



#OEF = Old Earth Fallacies


#YoungEarth #YoungEarthScience #YES #YoungEarthToday Ѣ

#TomWoodward #ThomasWoodward #TrinityCollege #Florida #CS_Lewis #Darwinism #IntelligentDesign #ID #PolarBears #penquins #ButlersNamedJeeves #Llama3

#GotPollution #CreationCare #Enviromental_Stewardship ╬ #YoungEarthDay

#EarthDay #Year1970 #EnviroExtremist #GreenLiving #ClimateHysteria #SenatorGaylord #Radical #April22 #PlasticMeatz ☺ #Y6K #YETI #TreeRings #YoungEarth_TheoryIntelligence #spaghetti #PoetryBreak #GEN5and11

#AgeOf_TheEarth #Controversy #GetPearly_Withit #Patriarchs #Oysters

#Millennium #Methuselah #Year969 #NewEarthNow #NEN ! 

#OEF #OldEarthFallacies #Ks_Not_Bs