Or You Can Call Me Ray:
Ma Bell (The Telephone Company) created a super cool film series on scientific topics. I just dug The Strange Case of Cosmic Rays (1957) directed by Frank Capra:
The film references using isotopes for medicine. John Joly, the physicist who was a pioneer in this area, actually rejected radiometric dating as a reliable geochronometer because of discordant results. I document this in my prior book:
Ice cores are brought forth as a friendly witness to an old earth. But I deny Old Earth Fallacies #OEF and here's why ... the impact of cosmic rays on certain isotopes should vary during magnetic reversals. However the findings do not match mainstream expectations:
The researchers have a major theoretical problem. They assume that during a geomagnetic pole reversal, the intensity of the Earth’s magnetic field decreases tenfold, which allows more cosmic rays to form beryllium-10. The problem is that the effect supposedly occurs only equatorward of 60° latitude, which means that there should be no change in beryllium-10 production above the Antarctic Ice Sheet during a reversal! So, the process of increasing the concentration over Antarctica under these circumstances becomes speculative. [! in original]
From "Still Trying to Make Ice Cores Old" by Michael Oard (2006):
Luis Alvarez (d. 1988) won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1968:
He is highlighted in the "Strange Case" video (see above) since he studied cosmic rays and was an innovator with respect to methods of detection. "One of the unwritten laws of physics is that one really hasn't made a discovery until he has convinced his peers that he has done so." - Luis Alvarez (see p. 284):
One wonders what percentage of physicists are skeptical of the Billions Of Years Ago #BOYA frame of mind?
Dr. Alvarez also ventured into Geology and was a firecracker for the #NewCatastrophism ... there was even a journal dedicated to catastrophism put out by geologist Johan Kloosterman in the late 1970's. Philip "Pib" Burns, a programmer at Northwestern University, chronicles the rise of modern catastrophism:
From the middle of the nineteenth century until about 1980, most geologists and other earth scientists opposed the idea that impact events played any significant part in the history of life on earth. In 1980, Walter and Luis Alvarez and their colleagues Frank Asaro and Helen Michel published an historic paper suggesting that an asteroid about 10 kilometers (6 miles) in diameter struck the earth sixty-five million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous. ... If the impact site were in the ocean, a huge tsunami ("tidal waves") would rise several kilometers in height, sweeping hundreds of kilometers across the continents, sweeping away everything in their path.
From Is a Young Earth Possible? by Jay Hall (p. 231):
Once you adopt #Catastophism ... taking the young earth road is your next route. YES or Young Earth Science will make a radical change to your worldview. Are there further consequences from the age-of-the-earth controversy? YES, indeed:
Darwin ==> no meaning to life,
YES ==> revealed religion (Judaism/Christianity/Islam).
Even non-theists have been converted and followed the Lord Jesus Christ (d. circa 29 AD, then rose again‼):
As Dorothy Sayers (The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club) so eloquently pointed out:
We are waging a war of religion. Not a civil war between adherents of the same religion, but a life-and-death struggle between Christian and pagan. ... it is a violent and irreconcilable quarrel about the nature of God and nature of man and the ultimate nature of the universe; it is a war of dogma.
Quoted in "Creation, the Trinity, and the Emperor Without Clothes" by Ian Hodge:
Near the end of the animated tour on cosmic rays, we hear this:
What a glorious opportunity to add to Man's History. To harness these nuclear fires for Man's use. To accept the challenge of Creation and to use the gifts God gave us to explore the grandest of all frontiers, the Universe. For the more we know of Creation, the closer we get to the Creator.
-- Francis "Frank" Baxter (d. 1982, aka "Dr. Research")
The Strange Case of Cosmic Rays (@ 52:40 mark):
more NFO >>
"That, to me, is what comedy is all about: keeping fresh and keeping current and changing with the times." -- Norm Crosby (d. 2020)
At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people - everyone whose name is found written in the book - will be delivered. ... But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge. (Dan. 12:1,4)
I'd love your feedback (pro or con), see the "contact" button @ the top of my site:
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#YES #YoungEarthScience #WorldView #TrueTruth #Schaeffer #NormCrosby #RayJ_JohnsonJr #BellTelephoneSystem #MaBell #resonance #BubbleChamber #LiquidHydrogen #LuisAlvarez #Physicist #CosmicRays #CallMeRay #Mexico #Meteor #CAT #NoDinos #BalloonTracking #SkyHook ‼
#Comedy #Ha_Ha #Busch #Natural #FrancisBaxter #FrankCapra #WonderfulLife #Catastrophism #BillSaluga #RhymesW_Chuga #IceCores #HighScorez #AuntieArctic #Christian #Pagan #DAN12_4 #Darwin #History #Universe #ICE_AGE #DorothySayers #Creation #Creator #Jesus #God #Bible