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Thunder & C-14, Tree Rings & Ammonites, Norman Macbeth (Darwin Retried), OMNI magazine & censorship ... #Rubio #NormanMacbeth #Darwin
#AltMed #TreeRings
Hotep = B @ ☮
According to Rob Tannenbaum, "Blake Griffin is one of the five or six best players in the NBA, and certainly the funniest ..." Griffin's father is black and his mother is white. Griffin won the slam dunk contest as a rookie and has the special talent of jumping over cars.
In 2014, Griffin was interviewed by Rolling Stone magazine:
You were home-schooled until the seventh grade. Are you Team Creationism or Team Evolution?
"I was raised in a Christian household and went to a Christian high school, so I believe in creationisim, for sure."
So you think the Earth is only 6,000 years old?
"I don't want to do the math, but somewhere around there."
Homeschooling is great and we support the efforts of the
new Education Secretary Betsy DeVos to promote school choice:
Let the education dollars follow each child, instead of forcing the child to follow the dollars. This is pretty straightforward. And it’s how you go from a closed system to an open system that encourages innovation. People deserve choices and options.
According to Neal McCluskey (Center for EducationalFreedom),
With federal money comes federal rules, and the point of charter schooling is to have innovative institutions unfettered by red tape and instead held accountable by parents choosing them. The last thing we want is not just more red tape, but tape from a single dispenser: the federal government.
if you have not had a good laugh lately, don't pass up Blake
Griffin's funny commercials!
Be sure to tell your friends about the blockbuster book
defending a youthful world from history and science >> YES - Young EarthScience.