Sunday, December 12, 2021

Oh Snap! Young Earth Truth is Chewgy Fire‼

Are you low key about being a Science Truther?  Standard geological dating methods are unreliable – fax that!  Old Earth Fallacies (#OEF) and billions of years (trillions anyone?) are sus.  Does that jargon throw you off?  If so, then it’s possible that y’all don’t have a teen in your household.  Many are awed by the tekno-babble of Big Science when they take OEF’s at face value and don’t apply their critical thinking skills to the age-of-the-earth debate.  Whence arises the old earth idea?  We read this from The Elements of Geology
by William Harmon Norton (1905):


The age of the earth [section title].  The thickness of the stratified rocks now exposed upon the eroded surface of the continents is very great. …Knowing how slowly sediments accumulate upon the sea floor, we must believe that the successive cycles which the earth has seen stretch back into a past almost inconceivably remote, and measure tens of millions and perhaps even hundreds of millions of years.

Oof‼  Obviously, Norton missed my podcast on Catastrophism.  Look at the sandstone beds above from his book.  If each layer was formed rapidly (remember Mount St. Helens from the 1980’s) and there is no large time gap between the layers (look up paraconformity), then this outcrop is a testimony to Young Earth Science (#YES).  Norton continued,


The great length of geologic time inferred from the slow change of species [section title].  Life forms, like landforms, are thus subject to change under the influence of their changing environment and of forces acting from within.  How slowly they change may be seen in the apparent stability of existing species.  In the lifetime of the observer and even in the recorded history of man, species seem as stable as the mountain and the river. But life forms and landforms are alike variable, both in nature and still more under the shaping hand of man. … Assuming also that life forms have always changed as they are changing at present, we come to realize something of the immensity of geologic time required for the evolution of life from its earliest lowly forms up to man.


Talk about anvils and alligators!  If we have 3 snakes and 5 apples, does that give us 8 Snapples?  Geological change and atoms-to-Adam transformation are two different processes.  Also, is not this circular reasoning?  Evolution needs millions of years and we know there have been millions of years of earth history because Darwin was right.


One objection to Young Earth Theory Intelligence (#YETI) is the assumption that it takes billions of years and exploding stars for certain elements to form.  Not so, for we read this from the American Institute of Physics:


Researchers in Japan and Canada are now challenging a piece of the Big Bang puzzle.  Do all of the elements heavier than iron really originate from stars exploding, or are some created deep within the Earth’s mantle, thanks to convection dynamics driven by plate tectonics?

I have argued for RPM (Rapid Plate Movements) in my prior book Is a Young Earth Possible?  Looking for Christmas gift ideas?  I have written two books defending a youthful planet from history and science.  Even Pravda allows for the presentation of young earth arguments!***


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** Special thanks to Crevo Headlines for the info on element formation.

Note: the quotes from The Elements of Geology by William Harmon Norton may be found on pages 293 & 302.

*** The claim about moon dust should be reconsidered.


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