Monday, December 12, 2022

Young Earth Today 2027 - Youth of the World UNite‼


Young Earth Science is NOT like saying that the Reptoids rule Earth from the Martian underworld.

This blog is a companion to our latest video:

Youth of the world unite!  Support the real UNDarwinism and my book Biological Essentialism (pub. 2021).  Our latest book tackles Aristotle's biology, Charles Darwin, human nature, worldview,  renegade scientists, Richard Dawkins, natural kinds, gender confusion and geology among other topics:

Michael Devitt (Philosophy Prof - City University of New York, CUNY) has a book coming out on the same topic from Oxford University Press next  year: 

"Next Year's News, Last Year."

For more on my books, podcasts, videos etc. please check out my site:


Please tell your friends to head to YouTube and search for "Young Earth Today 2027."  Also, be sure to check out the links in the description.


Young people are brainwashed or "brandwashed" by OEF's (Old Earth Fallacies) at an early age - from father to son, father to son.  Name ONE university that tells YOUTH the Truth about a youthful world.  From my interviews with Hillsdale students and staff, I understand that some Profs hold the young earth view and others do not.


When I was around 11 yo, Time-Life Science books were the greatest.  Once we go with Darwin & Deep Time we lose our taste for patterns (can you say "Junk DNA") and the meaning of life dissolves.  Chapter 10 of my book deals with meaning, "Darwin's Downers."


What's the Cure to this Deception?  #ChristiansGotWoldview  But where does this worldview come from?  #Route66  The Bible, the 66 books of Scripture.

If you are not familiar with the New & Old Testaments, check these out,


Has there been a time in a America where God, Jesus and the Bible have played a more dominant role in our culture?  In 1972, at the Cotton Bowl in Dallas, 75K young people gathered.  It was tagged the "Christian Woodstock."  EXPLO '72 was a key event in the Jesus Movement era.  Billy Graham and Cru founder Bill Bright spoke.  Love Song, Kris Kristofferson, Johnny Cash, Larry Norman, Barry McGuire (New Christy Minstrels) and Andre Crouch sung the Gospel.


The Creation (McDowell & Stewart) is a book that touches on the age-of-the-earth controversy and was published by Campus Crusade.  It was adapted from a Dutch volume.  One author was Willem Johannes Ouweneel (b 1944) who is a  biologist, philosopher and theologian with Ph.D.'s in each of those disciplines!   

Sadly, in more recent years he has become an "origins agnostic."

James Jauncey, who is quoted in the book, wrote Science Returns to God:


I sat next to Gish when I was a teenager at a meeting in Ann Arbor.  Duane Gish (d. 2013) debated more evolutionists than anyone.  Phil Donahue (The Human Animal) debated Gish:


Dr. John W. 'Jack' Cuozzo (d. 2017) was an orthodontist and a volunteer chaplain for the  New Jersey Nets:

Dr. Cuozzo held the #YoungEarth view.  Using standard orthodontic methods, his research indicated that some Neanderthals in France may have lived from 250 and 300 years!  He went to Paris with a portable x-ray machine to analyze prized Neanderthal skulls:


Buried Alive by Dr. Jack Cuozzo:

Neanderthals ranged from Spain to Israel and from Africa to Siberia!!  You need  2.1 kids just to maintain a stable population.  A huge Neanderthal pop over many thousands of years is a problem for old-earthers.  Neanderthal finds are not that common - just as #YES (Young Earth Science) predicts.

Neanderthal Range, Spain to Israel, Africa:

Neanderthals in Siberia & bison bones:


Another phenomena popular in the 1970's was von Daniken, Chariots of the Gods and Ancient Astronauts.  You may be familiar with more modern writers such as Zecharia Sitchin and Graham Hancock.  On Netflix, Hancock currently has a series going - Ancient Apocalypse:


Straight from the New York Times & Richard Lingeman:

Von Daniken told me that his researches grew out of his disenchantment with the Catholic faith in which he was raised. For the literal and symbolic fatherhood of God, he has now substituted the artificial insemination of visiting astronauts on shore leave. His gospel is a strange, almost visionary amalgam of the latest Scifi stuff with the most ancient myths - a marriage rather like that of his astronauts from a higher civilization with the beastmen who inhabited the earth when they arrived and whom they lifted by crossbreeding to manhood.


Clifford Wilson (d. 2012), former director of the Australian Institute of Archaeology, confronted von Daniken's wild speculations.  Wilson held to the young earth view!


Wilson (Crash Go the Chariots) debated von Daniken in 1977 at North Dakota State University (Fargo):


Clifford Wilson stated his stance on the age-of-the-earth controversy (p. 155):

There are many pointers to the recency of creation. The best known method of radiometric dating is the carbon-14 method, usable only for dating organic materials. ... It is recognized that radiocarbon has not yet reached equilibrium of about 30,000 years pointing to a date of the earth's atmosphere of 10 to 13,000 years. Carbon dates of less than 50,000 years (not millions) have been given to some samples of coal, oil, and natural gas. There are examples of fossilized tree trunks extending through several layers of coal ... The decay of the earth's magnetic field, the amount of helium in the atmosphere, the breakup of star clusters, the growth rate of stalactites and stalagmites. All the present phenomena point to a young earth, only thousands of years old.


NOVA (Horizon) even had an episode on von Daniken.  It featured Carl Sagan, Thor Heyerdahl and other experts - The Case of Ancient Astronauts:


Are you looking for proof of early human global navigation?  The sea travels of  Thor Heyerdahl (d. 2002) give credence to ancient globe-trotting.  He  crossed the Atlantic Ocean from Morocco to Barbados, which is near St. Lucia & Martinique, in an ancient Egyptian style reed boat.  Heyerdahl sailed from Peru in a primitive raft, the Kon-Tiki, and in a few months arrived in Polynesia.  So, It's  possible for our noble ancestors to have crossed both the Atlantic & the Pacific:


Thor Heyerdahl's expedition was on the cover of National Geographic (JAN '71)!


In the journal Nature in July 2020, researchers found “conclusive evidence for prehistoric contact” between Polynesians and Native Americans (most likely South America):


Traced by Nathan Jeanson documents quick human global exploration.  It's like a  silver bullet for #YES >>

Thus, we need a much shorter chronology than mainstream science allows.

Nathan Jeanson (Ph.D. Cell Biology - Harvard) speaks the truth ...


A BIG thx to Mosasaur for being the Giant Reptile Young Earth Superhero.  The fossil range is allegedly 101M to 66M.  #ChristiansGodWorldview

Original soft tissue from a mosasaur was found - eye pigment "goo."  But soft tissue  decomposes quickly in the lab.  The chest cavity apparently contained blood residue ... it's all about the #Heart ♥


Other Mosasaurs have been found with soft tissue as well.

"Convergent Evolution in Aquatic Tetrapods: Insights from an Exceptional Fossil Mosasaur" (2010) by Johan Lindgren & Friends:


Coming to Grips with Genesis, edited by Mortenson & Ury, is a superb work on the biblical teaching on #Origins (86 reviewers can't be wrong):


Please support our merch page:

  #MerryChristmas  #JoyfulHanukkah   

Your feedback is most welcome (pro or con):


#YoungEarth #YoungEarthScience #YES #Reptoids #Martian

#YouthUnite #UnDarwinism #Biological Essentialism #Darwin #MichaelDevitt  #CUNY #OxfordUniversityPress #NextYearsNews

#YoungEarthToday #brainwashed #brandwashed #OEFs #OldEarthFallacies  #Hillsdale #TimeLifeScience #DeepTime #JunkDNA #MeaningOfLife #TheCure   #Deception #ChristiansGotWorldview #God #Jesus #Bible #EXPLO72

#JesusMovement #BillyGraham #Cru #BillBright #LoveSong #KrisKristofferson  #JohnnyCash #LarryNorman #BarryMcGuire #NewChristyMinstrels

#Andre Crouch #Gospel #AgeOfEarthControversy #WillemOuweneel

#OriginsAgnostic #JamesJauncey #DuaneGish #PhilDonahue #HumanAnimal #debate #JackCuozzo #orthodontist #NewJerseyNets #Neanderthals #France   #Paris #BuriedAlive #Spain #Israel #Africa #Siberia #vonDaniken #ChariotsOfTheGods #AncientAstronauts #ZechariaSitchin #GrahamHancock   #Netflix #AncientApocalypse #NYT #RichardLingeman #CliffordWilson

#CrashGoTheChariots #NorthDakotaStateUniversity #Fargo #NOVA #Horizon  #Carl Sagan #ThorHeyerdahl #CaseOfAncientAstronauts

#EarlyHumanGlobalNavigation #Barbados #Peru #KonTiki #Polynesia

#NationalGeographic #NativeAmerican #Traced #NathanJeanson #SilverBullet

#Harvard #Mosasaur #GiantReptileYoungEarthSuperhero #GRYES #Heart

#SoftTissue #Come2Grips_w_Genesis #MerryChristmas #JoyfulHanukkah   

#OriginOfSpecies #SixthEdition #Origins #Science #Novembeard #NaturalKinds #Species  

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Matt Walsh vs. Gravity (Christians Got Worldview)


Christians got WorldView.  What are these foundational assumptions and presuppositions based on?  The Word of God - the 66 books of the Old and New Testament.  You can hear the first book here (Max McLean).


Matt Walsh did a great job on his documentary "What is a Woman?"   Nevertheless, we must take note of an anti-young-earth video that Walsh put out in 2018.  Walsh, who is a Catholic, claims that the Bible does not teach a youthful world.  Alas, PJ Media has joined the havoc and promotes Mighty Matt's attack on dating according to Scripture.  Ussher's traditional starting point of 4004 BC was printed in the margins of Bibles for hundreds of years.  Matt starts off his video with how we can go to Heaven.  Here's our take on salvation.  Matt Walsh was interviewed by Piers Morgan earlier this year.


Now, back to the Early Earth.  Sir Isaac Newton (d. 1727) discovered the Universal Law of Gravity.  In 2005, over thirteen hundred members of the public and 345 Royal Society scientists were surveyed.  At issue was the battle between Newton and Einstein as to who made the greatest contribution to science and mankind.  And the winner is ...

          Public: 61.8% for Newton, 38.2% for Einstein

          Scientists: 86.2% for Newton, 13.8% for Einstein.

Did Newton hang with the young-earthers?  He accepted that we are all Noachians.  That is, we all come from Noah’s sons and we trace our cultural origins back to Babel.  In Newton's book on chronology, he boldly stated that, “mankind could not be much older than is represented in Scripture.” 


Most of Matt's challenges to the traditional reading of Genesis have been answered masterfully in Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth, edited by Terry Mortenson and Thane Ury (2008).  This includes the work of Steven Boyd, who has proven statistically that Genesis 1:1-2:3 is narrative and not poetry.  The long favored view of Genesis teaches Creation In Six Days (CISD), a Global Flood (GF) and Young Earth Science (YES): 


They are deliberately shutting their eyes to a fact that they know very well, that there were, by God’s command, heavens in the old days and an earth formed out of the water and surrounded by water.  It was by water that the world of those days was deluged and destroyed ... (2 Peter 3:5-7, JB Phillips).


Former Roman Catholic and Dentist, Anthony Silvestro was a double major in Math and Chemistry.  By a graceful providence, the Silvestro family wound up going to the Creation Museum (KY).  While there, they heard a lecture by astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle and as a result Dr. Silvestro had to rethink his entire worldview.  After the talk, Dr. Lisle spent over an hour answering Sivestro's questions.  Anthony Silvestro switched from evolution and millions of years to the biblical view of recent creation from just one visit to the Creation Museum!  Victor Warkulwiz is a Roman Catholic scholar who takes a traditional interpretation of Genesis and is pro-YES.  The Foreword to his book was written by Bishop Robert Francis Vasa (Santa Rosa, CA).


Over a decade ago, Michael Shermer interviewed Georgia Purdom (Ph.D. Molecular Genetics - Ohio State) at the Creation Museum.  Shermer lampooned the young earth cohort in his book Why People Believe Weird Things. [1]      

Bill Nye visited the Ark Encounter for a second "debate" with Ken Ham a few years ago.  Shermer was brave enough to go to the Creation Museum and Nye valiantly toured the Ark Encounter.  How about you Matt Walsh?  Where is your William Wallace like courage??  Some would say that the "Genesis is History" view is down for the count.  However, the Ark Encounter in Kentucky (near Cincinnati) has seen record crowds.  On some Saturdays, there are over 7K visitors.  I hereby challenge Matt Walsh to visit the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter in Kentucky and dialog with the scientists there (both adventures are on my Bucket List).


I would guess that Matt has not read my latest book, Biological Essentialism.  It explains how there exists Essential Types of Life (ETL's), such as bears and penguins.  Thus, organic variation has limits.  It also relates to human exceptionalism and gender issues (#WIAW).  Matt would especially enjoy the chapter, "Some Men I Know are Really Women."  Walsh's blind acceptance of the dictates from Big Science is atrocious. Biological Essentialism naturally fits with the young earth stance.


Walsh leans on Albert Einstein (d. 1955) as his authority figure in the age-of-the-earth controversy.  In 1946, Einstein wrote a letter to his friend Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky (d. 1979) and stated, "There is much of interest in the book (Worlds in Collision) which proves that in fact catastrophes have taken place which must be attributed to extraterrestrial causes."  Einstein was against cancel culture.  Sadly, Velikovsky was viciously persecuted for his unorthodox ideas.  Once you adopt Catastrophism, a young earth conviction is not far behind.  Einstein stated this in his book on relativity:


The age of the universe, in the sense used here, must certainly exceed that of the firm crust of the earth as found from the radioactive minerals. Since determination of age by these minerals is reliable in every respect, the cosmologic theory here presented would be disproved if it were found to contradict any such results. In this case I see no reasonable solution.



There actually is a contrary result, the recession of the moon.  Our Lunar friend is moving farther from the earth, thus, in the past it was closer.  This makes the earth relatively young.  In a 2012 journal article, Sung-Ho Na of the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute freely admitted that, 


Assuming a constant tidal phase lag during the whole geological past, it was found that the Moon should have been located near the Roche limit around 1.7 billion years ago. Since the Moon was formed 4.5 billion years ago, the discrepancy between the two - 1.7 and 4.5 billion years cannot be explained. [2]  


The true explanation and reasonable solution is to follow the plain reading of Genesis and support Young Earth Theory Intelligence (YETI).  Einstein, at first, held to an infinitely old universe.  As Amir Aczel (God's Equation) explains,


Between 1917 and 1929 ... Einstein and most scientists held that the universe was “simply there” with no beginning or end. But it’s interesting to note that creation myths across cultures tell the opposite story. Traditions of Chinese, Indian, pre-Colombian, and African cultures, as well as the biblical book of Genesis, all describe ... a distinct beginning to the universe ...  This is an interesting example of scientists being dead wrong (for a time) and primitive ancient observers having an essentially correct intuition about nature. And with the present explosion of models of the universe and sometimes outrageous “scientific speculations” about its origin and future, some commentators are clearly overstating what science has done. One recent example is the book by the physicist Lawrence M. Krauss, A Universe From Nothing, which claims that science has shown that the universe somehow sprang out of sheer nothingness.


So, Einstein changed his mind.  The Cosmos is not Quizillions of years old.   Would Einstein question Deep Time?  Consider this famous quote:


The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day.


Charles Hapgood (Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings) advocated catastrophic pole shifts for the Earth.  Hapgood’s work was the basis for the disaster film 2012  which was directed by Roland Emmerich.  Even Stephen Jay Gould suggested that this theory deserves a fair hearing and should not be dismissed out of hand.  The pole shift idea can be rehabilitated by combining it with plate tectonics which I call Rapid Plate Movements (RPM’s).  Einstein told Hapgood in a letter, “I find your arguments very impressive and have the impression that your hypothesis is correct.  One can hardly doubt that significant shifts of the crust have taken place repeatedly and within a short time."  Hapgood and Einstein actually met in January of 1955. [3]  Again, Catastrophism and a youthful world are intimately related.  If most of the rock record was deposited in a fast manner and there are no large time gaps between the layers, which seems apparent in Grand Canyon, then we must question the mainstream dating methods.


Paul Price has rightly corrected Walsh's UToob cacophony.  The "Tim & Eric" tag team have taken Matt to task as well.  Tim Chaffey is the co-author of The Truth Chronicles. Avery Foley also joins the fray.  I would urge Walsh to read my three latest books which challenge Darwin and Deep Time and "Do Your Own Research" (#DYOR).




1) Why People Believe Weird Things by Michael Shermer (WH Freeman, NYC, 1997), p. 155.

2) quoted in YES - Young Earth Science by Jay Hall (IDEAS, Big Spring, TX, 2014), p. 35.

3) Ibid., pp. 149, 150.


#WIAW #YETI #YES #YoungEarth #OldEarth #Billions #Millions #Thousands

#Catastrophism #BiologicalEssentialism #Kentucky #Cincinnati #CreationMuseum #ArkEncounter #DYOR #CreationToday #AveryFoley #TimChaffey #TruthChronicles #MattWalsh #WhatIsAWoman #PiersMorgan

#DarwinCrumbles #DoYourOwnResearch #Genesis #WorldView #Blaze #TrueTruth #BillNye #MichaelShermer #GeorgiaPurdom #Origins #RolandEmmerich #StephenJayGould #MaxMcLean