Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Collapse of Old Earth


Suppose you wanted to know the modern name of Constantinople, you could reach for an encyclopedia.  Or, you may wind up the #Inter_Webbz and learn about New Amsterdam's cousin.  Try this search on ur fave app >>

   "young earth" evidence science history

Now compare your results with these ...








Because the case for Young Earth Science #YES is hard to find, the head-long collapse of the Old Earth Enterprise is delayed.

There is a worldwide sequence of rock layers known as the Sauk Sequence. We go from cobble&boulder layers to sand then shale and then fine-grained deposits like limestone.  This entire series lies atop the Great Unconformity which we see at the bottom of the Grand Canyon for example.



This would seem to indicate a great disaster over the whole earth.  Our global traditions of a Great Deluge serve as evidence of this historic event:



The variety of rock layers geologists commonly study can form rapidly.  Consider this conclusion from Juergen Schieber et al writing in the Journal of Sedimentary Research:


These experiments demonstrate unequivocally that carbonate muds can also accumulate in energetic settings. ... Observations from modern carbonate environments and from the rock record suggest that deposition of carbonate muds by currents [up to 20 in/s] could have been common throughout geologic history.


The December 23, 1963 issue of Newsweek (b. 1933) reported on a meeting of The American Geological Society where some attendees, "were advising the rehabilitation of catastrophism."  The Science Editor of Newsweek said that catastrophism is "a fighting word among geologists. It is a theory based on divine intervention."  According to the late Bolton Davidheiser (Ph.D. Zoology - Johns Hopkins), "This attitude is unscientific and it seems to be part of a larger conspiracy aimed at the denial of a personal God, and particularly at discounting the atonement of Christ." [1]

How did we get here?  Where did the Old Earther partisan paradigm come from?   "Defending a Young Earth" is a 25 episode series with Dr. Terry Mortenson (Ph.D. History of Geology - Coventry Univ.) that will open your eyes to a youthful world:



My History of Science Prof, David Kitts, former Curator of OU's Natural History Museum (Norman, OK), wrote the primary Philosophy of Geology:


He admitted in class that overthrusts pose a challenge for mainstream Geology.


After detailing inconsistencies with radiometric chronology Gerald Kerkut (d. 2004) said, "We have, then, as yet, no accurate objective clock that will allow us to determine the absolute age of the majority of the rocks of the world.  Instead we have to go mainly on stratigraphical data and there too we find several problems" (quoted in Biological Essentialism, p. 327, see link below).  Kerkut wrote The Implications of Evolution and was the editor of Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology.


How about those gaps in the Rock Record?  Up to 200M years!



According to my Dictionary of Geological Terms (3e, ed. by Bates & Jackson, p. 368) a paraconformity is "An obscure of uncertain unconformity in which no erosion surface is discernible or in which the contact is a simple bedding plane ..."  I say the missing time never existed and we see relatively continuous  deposition.


How many "kinds" are there?

My book Biological Essentialism delves into the many mysteries of Essential Types of Life (ETL's), such as horses, hydras and humans, and challenges the transformist educational system:



As for the theological argument for a "New" Planet (not Old), be sure to catch this superb prose from Jason DeRouchie:



My books challenge Darwin & Deep Time:



** kudos >> collapse of planet graphic:



Where is Constance N. Opal? - 4 Lads ♫



FYI: My set of encyclopedias is World Book from 1977.



1) quoted in Evolution and Christian Faith by Bolton Davidheiser (Presbyterian and Reformed, 1969), pp. 288.


#YoungEarthScience #YES #YETI #YoungEarth_TheoryIntelligence #OEF #OldEarthFallacies #BoltonDavidheiser #Presbyterian #Reformed #Constantinople #Istanbul #NewAmsterdam #NYC #Theymight_BGiantz #FourLadz #Darwin #DeepTime #NewEarth #Youthful_World #Y6K #God #Bible #Jesus #JN316 #Gospel #RU_Chosen ? <>< ╬  #JasonDeRouchie #BioEss  #BiologicalEssentialism #paraconformity #DavidKitts #GeraldKerkut #TerryMortenson #AiG #CMI #icr #CRS #radiometric #Newsweek #Geology #FloodLegendz #GrandCanyon #SearchEngine #Got_MOSAIC ? #WorldBook    

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