Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Dragons, Dinos and The Next Truth (recent interviews)

Are dragons really dinos?  Check our interview with Justin Derby (TTOR) on my latest book Is a Young Earth Possible?  We touch on philosophy of science, biological essentialism, Mayan chronology and tons of other fun topics.  What's the connection between the common dating methods and the "double blind" procedure?  See the gripping video and get the true truth:

Maria Anna van Driel is a freelance investigative science journalist, foreign correspondent, columnist and the force behind The Next Truth magazine which challenges "accepted" science with a multidisciplinary approach.
The latest issue has a super interview on my latest book Is a Young Earth Possible?  Here's a sample:

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Is a Young Earth Really Possible?

Our new book is available here.  Is A Young Earth Possible? argues for a young earth from history and science.  We also tackle the Solar System, Neanderthals as well as the Darwin/Depression connection.

According to NASA, water on the Moon is young:

... the topmost layer of polar crater floors is getting reworked over thousands of years, according to calculations by Farrell, Hurley, and their team. Therefore, the faint patches of frost that scientists have detected at the poles using instruments such as LRO’s Lyman Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) instrument could be just 2,000 years old, instead of millions or billions of years old as some might expect ...

Did you know that the 8th man to walk on the Moon, James Irwin, rejected evolution and accepted a youthful world?  Irwin charted seismic activity, collected high-energy particles emitted by the sun, named lunar locations and obtained rock samples, including the “Genesis rock.”  The crew returned with 77 kilograms of moon rocks.  Irwin also received the United Nations Peace Medal.

The May 2019 issue of the Smithsonian highlighted Neanderthals.  They supposedly lived from around 400K years ago to 40,000 BC – that’s a long time (p. 28).  Neanderthals were smart, painted, created sticky pitch, buried their dead, cooked, carved ornaments and interbred with modern humans.  I propose in Is A Young Earth Possible? that the Neanderthals would have had a population explosion is they thrived for several hundred thousand years.  Their remains should be everywhere, but this is not the case.  Maybe the dating methods are dubious.

I also deal with Darwin and the meaningof life in the book.  A philosopher from Lancaster University (UK) frankly admits,

It has often been thought, and has recently been argued, that one of the most profound impacts of Darwin’s theory of evolution is the threat that it poses to the very possibility of living a meaningful, and therefore worthwhile, life.

This scholar attempts to avoid this dilemma, but I maintain in my book that this is a futile trek.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

To a Young Earth ... and Beyond‼

My new book is out!

You can use the "Look Inside" feature for the Kindle version:

 Chapters >>>
1) Deep Time Versus History          
2) Ike Likes Maps                           
3) Evidence for a Youthful World     
4) Planet Have Your Say              
5) The Magnificent Seven               
6) Darwin Lied - Science Died               
7) Is Evolution Wrong?                    
8) Evolution is Depressing            
9) It's Kind of Essential                   
10)  Renaissance of Catastrophism     
11) The Day the Earth Trembled      
12) Dragons are Dinos                           
13) Straight out of the Solar System  
14) What Difference Does it Make?

Is a Young Earth Possible? argues for a youthful world from history and science.  Has Big Science misdated the earth? Is a Young Earth Possible? relates to a number of key issues in the public square such as climate change, homeschooling, government funding of science, bullying, depression, fake news, net censorship and free speech.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

If the Net Dies, will Kids Read Books?

Instagram recently crushed scores of popular meme accounts that collectively have tens of millions of followers.

Will the next victims of net censorship be those who hold to a young earth?

President Trump recently held a Social Media Summit regarding the oppression against alternative views by Google, Facebook and Twitter:

I propose a Social Media Summit for those who doubt Darwin and fight old earth fallacies (OEF's).  #YoungEarth #Darwin #OEF #StopTheBias #FreeSpeech #JustSayNO

When the Net is crushed and free discourse quashed, will the young people turn to books for good info?  If you have not read Fahrenheit 451, I highly recommend it:

Also, the movie ..

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Catastrophism, China and Cowper's ("Cooper") CAT

In China, tons of soft-bodied organisms similar to the Burgess Shale fossils have been found.  Jellyfish, sea anemones, comb jellies, arthropods and mud dragons were discovered.  These are known as the Qingjiang biota and are dated to the Cambrian Period (518 MOYA).  To preserve soft tissue you must have rapid burial which points to a fast catastrophic event.  If most of the rocks formed rapidly and the alleged time-gaps between the layers are not real (as paraconformities seem to show), then the geological timescale must be revamped. [1]  Young Earth Science (YES) is a viable option and we should challenge "billions of years." 

According to,

The paleontologists were working in the mountains and came down to the banks of the Danshui River, located in Hubei Province, when they noticed some rocks had an odd pin-striped pattern - a telltale sign of layers of mud deposited rapidly by ancient storms ...

But where did the millions and billions of years come from anyway?  Stephen Toulmin and June Goodfield wrote a significant history of Deep Time in 1965 (The Discovery of Time).  Titus Lucretius Carus (d. ~55 BC) was a Roman poet and philosopher and tackled the age-of-the-earth controversy.  Toulmin & Goodfield epically fail to reveal that Lucretius acclaimed a youthful world. [2] [3]  They also suppose that fossils and ancient volcanoes pose a problem for young earth supporters. [4]  On the contrary, Lagerstätte (extremely well-preserved fossils such as the Qingjiang biota) and massive volcanism are in line with catastrophism. [5]               

Near the beginning of their book, Toulmin & Goodfield rightfully quote hymn writer William Cowper (d. 1800) who wrote:

Some write a narrative of wars, and feats
Of heroes little known ; and call the rant  
A history ...
Some drill and bore
          The solid earth, and from the strata there
Extract a register, by which we learn.
That he who made it and reveal'd its date
To Moses, was mistaken in its age, 
Some, more acute, and more industrious still,  
Contrive creation; travel nature up ...
Great contest follows, and much learned dust
Involves the combatants; each claiming truth,
And truth disclaiming both.

One of my fave Cowper gems is The Retired Cat:

A poet's cat, sedate and grave
As poet well could wish to have,
          Was much addicted to inquire
        For nooks to which she might retire,
        And where, secure as mouse in chink,
        She might repose, or sit and think ...
        Forth skipp'd the cat, not now replete
        As erst with airy self-conceit,
        Nor in her own fond apprehension
        A theme for all the world's attention ...
        Beware of too sublime a sense
Of your own worth and consequence.
          The man who dreams himself so great,
        And his importance of such weight,
        That all around in all that's done
        Must move and act for him alone,
        Will learn in school of tribulation
        The folly of his expectation.

1) YES - Young Earth Science by Jay Hall (IDEAS, Big Spring, TX, 2014), pp. 121-126.
2) The Discovery of Time by Stephen Toulmin and June Goodfield (Harper & Row, NYC, 1965), pp. 47-49.
3) Hall, p. 16.
4) Toulmnin & Goodfield, pp. 141, 142.
5)  Hall, pp. 126, 132, 133.  

*the top graphic has the Chinese word for "fossil"
**MOYA = Millions Of Years Ago

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Origins and the Smithsonian

The Smithsonian is a great place to visit & they have a super magazine!  I grew up in Northern Virginia and went to the museum several times - that's where I saw my 1st moon rock.

They have an article on their site "What Does it Mean to be Human?" that could be greatly improved.  The source is ...

Human Origins Initiative, Broader Social Impacts Committee

Co-chairs: Dr. Connie Bertka and Dr. Jim Miller

Apparently, Bertka & Miller have not read my book YES - Young Earth Science where I argue from history and science for a youthful world and show the flaws of Darwinism (  They totally miss the distinction between historical science and observational science.  They speak of faraway planets ...
Sometimes such observations are direct, like measuring the chemical composition of a rock.  Other times these observations are indirect, like determining the presence of an exoplanet through the wobble of its host star. 
At this point we have neither a time machine nor a History Observation Device (HOD).  So its a great speculation when is comes to Frogs-to-Firemen transformation.  We cannot directly experiment on the alleged evolution of the past.

Bertka & Miller also fail to catch the the full philosophical aspect, but do speak of
 Analytic and synthetic reasoning 
Einstein said this ...

A knowledge of the historic and philosophical background gives that kind of independence from prejudices of his generation from which most scientists are suffering. This independence created by philosophical insight is—in my opinion—the mark of distinction between a mere artisan or specialist and a real seeker after truth.

Berka & Miller completely overlook the Christian foundation of science.

What does it mean to be human?  Alfred Russel Wallace came up with evolution by natural selection before Darwin, according to many.  Wallace held that humans were unique and not related to lower primates.  Human consciousness, morality, walking upright, the human hand, speech and higher intelligence were some of his reasons. [1]

Berka & Miller focus on ...
 Judaism, Christianity, Islam ... But they fail to bring out a key point.  At the end of 2018, the traditional Jewish calendar put the age of the world at 5779 years.  The date from Ussher (not the musician ♫) of 4004 BC for the beginning has been printed in Bibles for hundreds of years.  Islamic tradition states that there is a thousand years between Adam & Noah. [2]  This is consistent with the young earth view.

Berka & Miller speak of ...
historical traditions  ... but do not mention such records that favor a young world.  Robert Kovach wrote Early Earthquakes of the Americas (Cambridge University Press) and investigated Meso-American cultures such as the Aztecs, Incas, Toltecs and Mayans.  Fernando de Alva Cortés Ixtlilxóchitl who died in 1648 was the great-great-grandson of an Aztec ruler and recorded the traditions of ancient Mexican Culture.  Using the beginning of the Toltec era as a starting point, Kovach estimates the beginning of earth to around 3566 BC to 4190 BC. [3]

1)  our new book documents this, it should be coming out in the next few months, keep an eye on our website >>    
2)  ibid.
3)  Early Earthquakes of the Americas by Robert Kovach (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2004), pp. 36, 37.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Real Truth about the Age-of-the-Earth Controversy (sin fake news)

What is Young Earth Science (YES)?  How old is the world?  Are radiometric dating methods reliable?  Is Darwinism substantiated by scientific evidence and valid arguments?  How does the Renaissance of Catastrophism (the view that most rocks were formed rapidly) relate to the age of the Earth?  Has plate tectonics (Continental Drift) occurred more rapidly in the past?  These and other queries are answered in this exciting new fully documented work, YES - Young Earth Science.  This widely illustrated book features support from history, philosophy, geology, biology and physics.  Discover this creative and multidisciplinary approach which provides affirmation that this planet is thousands of years old and not billions.  Omniculturalism (looking for the good, true and beautiful from all cultures in all times) favors Catastrophism which supports the young earth stance.  This valuable anti-bullying tool provides the scientific grounds for YES.  Many who harshly ridicule young earth theory need to read this book and learn the genuine empirical warrant for YES.  YES - Young Earth Science contains over 450 footnotes and more than 130 charts, graphs and illustrations.  Although some parts are more technical, this book is for all readers with a general science background.

My book relates to a number of key issues in the public square such as climate change, homeschooling, government funding of science, bullying, depression, mental health, fake news, truth journalism, ethics, net censorship, school choice, suicide prevention and free speech.

Buy your copy today and please get an extra to give away.