Today we drop the Kraken on Origins by Robert Shapiro
which focuses on the Origin Of Life #OOL ... it was endorsed by Isaac Asimov!
Also, we delve into the thought of anti-evolutionist
Hilaire Belloc (d. 1953). HG Wells wrote
a whole book to refute his critique of Outline of History!
Before we get to Origins & Belloc, let's take jaunt
into YES research.
Where do we go to find info that supports YES - Young
Earth Science? That is, the evidence
from History and Science that points to a youthful world.
The first item on Qwant is pro-YES !!
Bing Deep search >>
"young earth science" definition
Four references to my work !!
YANDEX search >>
"young earth science" definition
YEP is more fair to YES than many other searchers!!
PreSearch shows several pro-YES items and my book YES -
Young Earth Science appears twice !!
YES Virginia, there really is Young Earth Science ...
#Got_ACROnymz ?
A classic argument for a youthful world is the downgrade
of Earth's magnetic field. It has long
been understood that Earth’s magnetic field is decaying at a rate of 5% per century. However, as reported by Forbes, the Swarm
system of satellites (Alpha, Bravo & Charlie) has discovered that the
actual decay is 5% per decade!
One reasonable conclusion from this data is that the
earth is newer than many people think:
>> And now for a word from our sponsor <<
One of the "Five Pillars of Evolution" is to
visit Galapagos (☺).
Be sure to plan your visit to the Galapagos Islands and
say "Hi" to the finches!
Galapagos is a province of Ecuador.
Robert Shapiro wrote Origins: A Skeptic's Guide to the
Creation of Life on Earth which came out in 1986:
It was praised by Ashley Montagu (who favored the unity
of humanity), Isaac Asimov and Lynn Margulis (Carl Sagan's first wife). Shapiro
speaks of the Eskimo's Creation Story (pp. 15,16), but what about the Deluge? A number of tribes from the "Great Snowy
North" such as Eskimos, Inuits, Yup’iks and Aleuts have traditions of the
Global Flood. Flood traditions of the
Northern North American indigenous tribes:
Hilaire Belloc (d. 1953) took on Darwin & HG Wells
(War of the Worlds, Things to Come) in A Companion to Mr. Wells’s Outline of
History. Belloc, was born in France, but died in England. He wrote over 150
books on a wide range of topics.
His travelogue The Path to Rome was a bestseller. He also
wrote satiric novels that were illustrated by his close friend G.K. Chesterton!
He was unjustly denied a fellowship at Oxford due to his religious views. You
can read about him in Jerry Bergman's most excellent Silencing the Darwin
Skeptics (p. 114):
A companion to Mr. Wells's "Outline of history"
by Hilaire Belloc:
Hilaire Belloc seems to accept the long ages of
mainstream Geology, yet he recommends
Aquinas, but Thomas falls into the YES camp!!
The famed astronomer Ptolemy (d. ~170 AD) held that the constellations
of the zodiac will have finished a
complete rotation in 36K years. Aquinas
responds that (pp. 361,362):
This reason seems
unsuitable, because if there were any movement (revolution) in the sky which
does not finish sooner than after 36 thousand years it would follow that the
universe would have to last that long, which does not seem probable (quod non
videtur probabile).
In addition, Aquinas believed in Creation in Six (real)
Days #CISD
HG Wells wrote a book in response to Belloc and pushes
Darwinism. The opposite of evolution is
Biological Essentialism. My thesis is
the stasis of Essential Types of Life (ETL's).
Examples of ETL's include horses, hydras and humans. I think Belloc would agree with me since he
It is true that humanly
recorded historical experience covers but a very brief fraction of the total
time allowed for even the shortest estimates of the past of this world. None
the less, it is sufficient to prove that types once achieved are permanent. Call
it five thousand years (perhaps man-made prehistoric [sic] pictures may extend that limit), even that
short period is enough to prove the existence of stable types. For if during
five million years some animal form existing at the moment has been forever
slowly changing by a process such that its present apparent fixity is an
illusion, and is still proceeding to further slow changes indefinitely, then
five thousand years ought to show a perceptible fraction of the movement; only
a thousandth of it, no doubt, but one in a thousand is measurable: tiny, but
measurable. Yet no fundamental change, still less any progressive change, is
apparent. During all the historical epoch fixity of type is invariable. [see
Ch. 2]
Belloc further defends the fixity of types in the fossil
The geological record also
shows us nothing but Fixed Types. Each may have come by a transition more or
less rapid out of some other—but at any rate fixed they are, and the longer the
time demanded by the modern geologist for his periods, the longer the Fixed
Type can be proved to exist. Some few survive today from the very early days of life on this
earth. It was hoped, when the theory of Natural Selection was first broached,
that evidence would appear for continuous change. None has so appeared. On the
contrary, the more fossil evidence we acquire the more definitely does it
appear that the Fixed Type is the normal - indeed the only - recorded thing.
I argue in the last chapter of my book Biological
Essentialism naturally leads to Young Earth Science (YES):
The rate of rock formation is a key factor in the
#Age_ofthe_Earth Controversy as Belloc
It is, perhaps, asking too
much of our author [HG Wells] to adopt a strictly scientific attitude: that is,
to distinguish between hypothesis and proved fact. And this is particularly
true of a study so full of hypothesis as geology. Men pretend to vastly more
knowledge than they have in that branch of knowledge - as, for instance, on the
rate of stratification. A man cannot but be influenced by his own time, and Mr.
Wells is influenced by the unscientific loose thinking and insufficiently
supported affirmations of his generation and place.
HG Wells was born in 1866. In the early 1800's there were a number of
"Scriptural Geologists" who defended the #GlobalFlood from Scripture
and Science:
Even the Babylon Bee ("Jay Stixx" film) has
gone Young Earth!!
Young Earth Creationism Rocks with Dr. Tim Clarey:
No, we don't have over 2K episodes.
However, our numbering ("How Numb I Am" ♪) has
been sequential since Young Earth Today 2024:
Alternatives to #Guugli >>
Hilaire Belloc - A Biography by A. N. Wilson (1996):
** kudos: mag-decay graphic:
#TrueTruth #YES #YoungEarthScience #YoungEarth #OldEarth
#Hilaire_Belloc #HG_Wells #RobertShapiro #IsaacAsimov
#AshleyMontagu #LynnMargulis #CarlSagan #Feinberg #Origins #OOL #Origin_Of_LIFE
#evolution #Darwin #Darwinism #Creationista #God #Jesus ╬ #Bible #Gospel #JN316
#RU_Chosen ? <>< #Genesis #GIII #BabylonBee #Jay_Stixx #Five+1 #Guugli
#YoungEarthToday #War_ofthe_Worlds #Things2Come #ID #Outline_of_History
#Geology #fossils #paleontology #strata #Dembski #ID_Guy #IntelligentDesign
#design ⛔⛕⛖⛘⛚⛛ #DISCO_Institute ♫ #Deluge #GALAPAGOS #Ecuador #finches ^^ #JayLeno
#funny #Ha_hA #comedy #humor #jokes #Jad_Dokes ☺☺ #BiologicalEseesntialism
#BioEss #Devitt #JayHall #Eskimo #Inuit #Yup’ik #Aleut #MollyShahnyaaMabray
#Molly_of_Denali #PBS_Kidz