Saturday, March 22, 2025

An Infinite Earth ♁ vs. Reality ∞

Philosophers who thought the Earth was eternal ...


However, this contradicts the #HeatDeath of the UNIverse:


Many geologic processes are trumped up as unsolvable enigmas for the Global Flood Theory because of the time factor.  Does it take "forever" for Copper (i Cu) to form?  We read this from a Springer publication on Metals:


The majority of copper deposits were created by hydrothermal processes when metal sulfides were precipitated from hot waters in fractures and permeable rocks in the subsurface and at seafloor hydrothermal vents. ... Volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits occur in submarine volcanic rocks and are observed forming today at seafloor hydrothermal vents.


Do we find signs of the Flood in the rock record?  The dramatic increase of the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio before the Cambrian and then the sudden decrease seems to correlate with extreme erosion and then massive deposition as the Deluge progressed.


Supposed Pre-Cambrian "ice-age" deposits are better explained by submarine landslides:


Cryogenian [720M-635M] "glacials" have a close association with sedimentary rocks formed in warm climates.  Warm, not cold conditions have been interpreted from associated kaolinite, diaspore, redbeds, dolomite, and limestone with phytolites, as well as abundant carbonates with stromatolites and carbonate ooids. Flakestone, a very distinctive fine-grained carbonate facies with its characteristic broken-up clasts, is an indicator of the action of stormy seas and not an ice-covered sea.

Henry Gee (In Search of Deep Time) makes this blunt admission:  


Popular views of science assume that cause, effect, and purpose can be easily discerned: hardly a day goes by without reports of discoveries of genes for homosexuality, good motherhood, breast cancer or alcoholism; of the bones of ancestors and "missing links;" of explanations of why the elephant evolved its trunk or warnings that a certain food item causes a particular disease. Many of the assumptions we make about evolution, especially concerning the history of he as understood from the fossil record, are, however, baseless. The reason for this lies with the fact of the scale of geological time that scientists are dealing with, which is so vast that it defies narrative. [1]


One would wish that Gee applied more critical thinking to the very notion of Deep Time itself!



1) In Search of Deep Time by Henry Gee (The Free Press, NYC, 1999), pp. 1,2.


my site:


>> When I say "YOUNG" you say "EARTH" ♪

              Young ... Earth ‼


Jesus AGE verses: Mk. 10:6, Mk. 13:19-20, Lk. 11:50,51.


** kudos - graphic source:


#Geology #DeepTime #fossils #DinoZ #soft_tissue #YoungEarth #OldEarth #OEF #OldEarthFallacies #CrackedPlanet #Y6K #YES #YoungEarthScience #YES_Blog #B70GgR #HenryGee #InSearchof #LeonardNimoy (d. 2015) #LEO #Spock #ST_TOS #Son_Worship #Jesus #God #Bible #Gospel #JN316 ╬ #BB6640 #Igneous #Sedimentary #Metamorphic #Rox_Rock !♫ #Cryogenian #Cambrian #Flood #Noah #Deluge #ARK #ArkEncounter #KY #Springer #Metals #HeatDeath #999°K (~1339 °F) #InfiniteEarth ∞ #Reality ↑ #Copper #Cu #Strontium #Philosophy #FOO_losophy ☺☺ #NewEarth #2Peter3_3to14

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Catastrophism - It's What's For Dinner!

Suppose your son has a serious case of bone cancer.  Would you trust a Young Scientist to treat your child?  That is, would you trust Doogie Howser (14 yo)?


Would you listen to a Young Earth Scientist #YES who shares evidence for a youthful world?  I have written two books on that account:


Is a Young Earth Possible? - How Science and History Point to a Youthful World and Why it Matters ★★★★½


YES - Young Earth Science ★★★★

Catastrophism (most rocks formed fast) is a key pillar in the case for a #YoungPlanet ... Immanuel Velikovsky (Иммануи́л Велико́вский) brought #Catastrophism #CAT into larger public awareness with such works as Worlds in Collision (1950) and Earth in Upheaval (1955):


In 2015, Charles Ginenthal came out with Newton, Einstein, and Velikovsky which deals with the instability of the Solar System and challenges mainstream dating methods:


Einstein (d. 1955) and Velikovsky (d. 1979) corresponded with each other from 1946 to 1955:

What started the #OldEarth fad?  Rejecting #CAT ... we read this from the New International Encyclopedia (1915):


Geological work is so slow, and the evidence of vast changes in the past, so clear, that, so long as it was held that the age of the earth was to be reckoned in a period of a few thousand years, no other conclusion was possible than that the changes observed had been rapidly made as a result of stupendous  catastrophes. ... however, it was made clear by Hutton and his successors that the recorded facts indicates slow changes, it began to appear possible that the age of the earth was great [millions of years].  The promulgation of the doctrine of evolution, and the increased knowledge of past life, as recorded by the fossils, brought further evidence of the great age of the earth. [1]   


What can we say about prejudice against #CAT ?  According to Michael Rampino (Biology Prof, NYU),


In 1831, the Scottish horticulturalist Patrick Matthew (1790-1874) published a clear statement of the law of natural selection ... which both Darwin and Wallace later acknowledged. Matthew, however, was a catastrophist, and he presented natural selection within the contemporary view that relatively long intervals of environmental stability [and biological stasis ?] were episodically punctuated by catastrophic mass extinctions of life.


More on Patrick Matthew here:


Derek Victor Ager, former President of the British Geological Association, published The New Catastrophism - The Importance of the Rare Event in Geological History in 1995:


Is a Global Flood, as described by the hundreds of #FloodLegends from around the world, really a thing?  Marilyn "super smart" vos Savant (see the graphic) said that if you flatten out the Earth, the oceans would cover the land to a depth of 8810' (1⅔ miles). [2]

One primary figure in the "No Young Earth" Movement was the late Ron Numbers (d. 2023).  I had the opportunity to hear his story in a small group @ OU's History of Science Department in the early 1990's.  Although raised Adventist, Dr. Numbers spurned Deluge Theory:


I vividly remember the evening I attended an illustrated lecture on the famous sequence of fossil forests in Yellowstone National Park and then stayed up most of the night … agonizing over, then accepting, the disturbing likelihood that the earth was at least thirty thousand years old. Having thus decided to follow science rather than Scripture on the subject of origins, I quickly, though not painlessly, slid down the proverbial slippery slope toward unbelief.


It is now widely recognized that the Yellowstone "fossil forests" - 27 layers @  Specimen Ridge & around 50 layers @ Specimen Creek - were formed catastrophically.  Dr Michael Arct studied the tree ring "fingerprints" of over a dozen trees in different levels and found that they all died around the same time which is consistent with rapid formation of the ash deposits.


Dr. Numbers should have changed his mind !!

The eruption of Mt. St. Helens (1980) #MSH is a clear parallel to Yellowstone:

In 1962, Henry Morris (Genesis Flood, 1961) spoke to the Houston Geological Society and gave a presentation on #Catastrophism #CAT


Dr. Morris spoke to a crowd of 500 folks and during the Q&A time there was dead silence!   According to one observer, the audience was "too stunned to speak!" [3] 


Interview with David Kitts - my History of Science Prof:

In spite of all this, they kept on sinning;

    in spite of his wonders, they did not believe.

So he ended their days in futility

    and their years in terror.

Whenever God slew them, they would seek him;

    they eagerly turned to him again.

They remembered that God was their Rock,

    that God Most High was their Redeemer. (Ps. 78:32-35)


my site:


1) New International Encyclopedia (1915), Vol. "G" (?), p. 595.

different vol. for reference:

2) "Ask Marilyn" by Marilyn vos Savant, Parade, July 9, 2000, p. 14.

3) The Creationists by Ron Numbers (Harvard Univ. Press, 2006, exp. ed.), pp. 235, 236.


** kudos: graphic sources >>


#CAT #Catastrophism #YES #YoungEarthScientists #DerekAger (d. 1993) #NeilPatrickHarris #DrDoogieHowser #TotalYouth #TrueTruth #TotalTruth  #MaxCasella #Vinnie Delpino #BelindaMontgomery #PressMan #J_Skewel

#DrBen #Canfield #KathrynLayng #James_is_Sik #PagingDrDavid  #Markus_NotWell #DrRay ... OR ... #UCan_Callmii ... #Luke #LUCY #DrJack   #BarryMcGuire ♫ #Eve_of_Destruction #CAT_that ! #Wanda_Getwell ?  

#RIF #Hutton #RonWelched #LIFE #UncleDougie #YES_Man #Y6K #Gen5and11 #Slurp_that ‼ ☺ #Creationista #RonNumbers ### 55-23-88 #hike ‼  

#DoubleNickel #Chevy #FAST  

Monday, October 21, 2024

Young Earth Today 2032 - YES We Can ... Drop Deep Time!

Today we drop the Kraken on Origins by Robert Shapiro which focuses on the Origin Of Life #OOL ... it was endorsed by Isaac Asimov!

Also, we delve into the thought of anti-evolutionist Hilaire Belloc (d. 1953).  HG Wells wrote a whole book to refute his critique of Outline of History!

Before we get to Origins & Belloc, let's take jaunt into YES research.


Where do we go to find info that supports YES - Young Earth Science?  That is, the evidence from History and Science that points to a youthful world.


The first item on Qwant is pro-YES !!

Bing Deep search >>  

"young earth science" definition

Four references to my work !!

YANDEX search >>

"young earth science" definition


YEP is more fair to YES than many other searchers!!


PreSearch shows several pro-YES items and my book YES - Young Earth Science appears twice !!


YES Virginia, there really is Young Earth Science ... #Got_ACROnymz ?

A classic argument for a youthful world is the downgrade of Earth's magnetic field.  It has long been understood that Earth’s magnetic field is decaying at a rate of  5% per century.  However, as reported by Forbes, the Swarm system of satellites (Alpha, Bravo & Charlie) has discovered that the actual decay is 5% per decade!


One reasonable conclusion from this data is that the earth is newer than many people think:


>> And now for a word from our sponsor <<

One of the "Five Pillars of Evolution" is to visit Galapagos (☺).

Be sure to plan your visit to the Galapagos Islands and say "Hi" to the finches!

Galapagos is a province of Ecuador.


Robert Shapiro wrote Origins: A Skeptic's Guide to the Creation of Life on Earth which came out in 1986:


It was praised by Ashley Montagu (who favored the unity of humanity), Isaac Asimov and Lynn Margulis (Carl Sagan's first wife). Shapiro speaks of the Eskimo's Creation Story (pp. 15,16), but what about the Deluge?  A number of tribes from the "Great Snowy North" such as Eskimos, Inuits, Yup’iks and Aleuts have traditions of the Global Flood.  Flood traditions of the Northern North American indigenous tribes:

Hilaire Belloc (d. 1953) took on Darwin & HG Wells (War of the Worlds, Things to Come) in A Companion to Mr. Wells’s Outline of History. Belloc, was born in France, but died in England. He wrote over 150 books on a wide range of topics.

His travelogue The Path to Rome was a bestseller. He also wrote satiric novels that were illustrated by his close friend G.K. Chesterton! He was unjustly denied a fellowship at Oxford due to his religious views. You can read about him in Jerry Bergman's most excellent Silencing the Darwin Skeptics (p. 114):


A companion to Mr. Wells's "Outline of history" by Hilaire Belloc:


Hilaire Belloc seems to accept the long ages of mainstream Geology, yet he  recommends Aquinas, but Thomas falls into the YES camp!!  The famed astronomer Ptolemy (d. ~170 AD) held that the constellations of the  zodiac will have finished a complete rotation in 36K years.  Aquinas responds that (pp. 361,362):


This reason seems unsuitable, because if there were any movement (revolution) in the sky which does not finish sooner than after 36 thousand years it would follow that the universe would have to last that long, which does not seem probable (quod non videtur probabile).


In addition, Aquinas believed in Creation in Six (real) Days #CISD

HG Wells wrote a book in response to Belloc and pushes Darwinism.  The opposite of evolution is Biological Essentialism.  My thesis is the stasis of Essential Types of Life (ETL's).  Examples of ETL's include horses, hydras and humans.  I think Belloc would agree with me since he stated,  


It is true that humanly recorded historical experience covers but a very brief fraction of the total time allowed for even the shortest estimates of the past of this world. None the less, it is sufficient to prove that types once achieved are permanent. Call it five thousand years (perhaps man-made prehistoric [sic]  pictures may extend that limit), even that short period is enough to prove the existence of stable types. For if during five million years some animal form existing at the moment has been forever slowly changing by a process such that its present apparent fixity is an illusion, and is still proceeding to further slow changes indefinitely, then five thousand years ought to show a perceptible fraction of the movement; only a thousandth of it, no doubt, but one in a thousand is measurable: tiny, but measurable. Yet no fundamental change, still less any progressive change, is apparent. During all the historical epoch fixity of type is invariable. [see Ch. 2]


Belloc further defends the fixity of types in the fossil record:


The geological record also shows us nothing but Fixed Types. Each may have come by a transition more or less rapid out of some other—but at any rate fixed they are, and the longer the time demanded by the modern geologist for his periods, the longer the Fixed Type can be proved to exist. Some few survive  today from the very early days of life on this earth. It was hoped, when the theory of Natural Selection was first broached, that evidence would appear for continuous change. None has so appeared. On the contrary, the more fossil evidence we acquire the more definitely does it appear that the Fixed Type is the normal - indeed the only - recorded thing.


I argue in the last chapter of my book Biological Essentialism naturally leads to Young Earth Science (YES):


The rate of rock formation is a key factor in the #Age_ofthe_Earth Controversy as   Belloc admits:


It is, perhaps, asking too much of our author [HG Wells] to adopt a strictly scientific attitude: that is, to distinguish between hypothesis and proved fact. And this is particularly true of a study so full of hypothesis as geology. Men pretend to vastly more knowledge than they have in that branch of knowledge - as, for instance, on the rate of stratification. A man cannot but be influenced by his own time, and Mr. Wells is influenced by the unscientific loose thinking and insufficiently supported affirmations of his generation and place.


HG Wells was born in 1866.  In the early 1800's there were a number of "Scriptural Geologists" who defended the #GlobalFlood from Scripture and Science:


Even the Babylon Bee ("Jay Stixx" film) has gone Young Earth!!

Young Earth Creationism Rocks with Dr. Tim Clarey:


No, we don't have over 2K episodes.

However, our numbering ("How Numb I Am" ♪) has been sequential since Young Earth Today 2024:


Alternatives to #Guugli >>


Hilaire Belloc - A Biography by A. N. Wilson (1996):


** kudos: mag-decay graphic:


#TrueTruth #YES #YoungEarthScience #YoungEarth #OldEarth #NewEarth

#Hilaire_Belloc #HG_Wells #RobertShapiro #IsaacAsimov #AshleyMontagu #LynnMargulis #CarlSagan #Feinberg #Origins #OOL #Origin_Of_LIFE #evolution #Darwin #Darwinism #Creationista #God #Jesus ╬ #Bible #Gospel #JN316 #RU_Chosen ? <>< #Genesis #GIII #BabylonBee #Jay_Stixx #Five+1 #Guugli #YoungEarthToday #War_ofthe_Worlds #Things2Come #ID #Outline_of_History #Geology #fossils #paleontology #strata #Dembski #ID_Guy #IntelligentDesign #design ⛔⛕⛖⛘⛚⛛ #DISCO_Institute #Deluge  #GALAPAGOS #Ecuador #finches ^^ #JayLeno #funny #Ha_hA #comedy #humor #jokes #Jad_Dokes ☺☺ #BiologicalEseesntialism #BioEss #Devitt #JayHall #Eskimo #Inuit #Yup’ik #Aleut #MollyShahnyaaMabray #Molly_of_Denali #PBS_Kidz   

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Collapse of Old Earth


Suppose you wanted to know the modern name of Constantinople, you could reach for an encyclopedia.  Or, you may wind up the #Inter_Webbz and learn about New Amsterdam's cousin.  Try this search on ur fave app >>

   "young earth" evidence science history

Now compare your results with these ...





Because the case for Young Earth Science #YES is hard to find, the head-long collapse of the Old Earth Enterprise is delayed.

There is a worldwide sequence of rock layers known as the Sauk Sequence. We go from cobble&boulder layers to sand then shale and then fine-grained deposits like limestone.  This entire series lies atop the Great Unconformity which we see at the bottom of the Grand Canyon for example.


This would seem to indicate a great disaster over the whole earth.  Our global traditions of a Great Deluge serve as evidence of this historic event:


The variety of rock layers geologists commonly study can form rapidly.  Consider this conclusion from Juergen Schieber et al writing in the Journal of Sedimentary Research:


These experiments demonstrate unequivocally that carbonate muds can also accumulate in energetic settings. ... Observations from modern carbonate environments and from the rock record suggest that deposition of carbonate muds by currents [up to 20 in/s] could have been common throughout geologic history.

The December 23, 1963 issue of Newsweek (b. 1933) reported on a meeting of The American Geological Society where some attendees, "were advising the rehabilitation of catastrophism."  The Science Editor of Newsweek said that catastrophism is "a fighting word among geologists. It is a theory based on divine intervention."  According to the late Bolton Davidheiser (Ph.D. Zoology - Johns Hopkins), "This attitude is unscientific and it seems to be part of a larger conspiracy aimed at the denial of a personal God, and particularly at discounting the atonement of Christ." [1]

How did we get here?  Where did the Old Earther partisan paradigm come from?   "Defending a Young Earth" is a 25 episode series with Dr. Terry Mortenson (Ph.D. History of Geology - Coventry Univ.) that will open your eyes to a youthful world:


My History of Science Prof, David Kitts, former Curator of OU's Natural History Museum (Norman, OK), wrote the primary Philosophy of Geology:

He admitted in class that overthrusts pose a challenge for mainstream Geology.


After detailing inconsistencies with radiometric chronology Gerald Kerkut (d. 2004) said, "We have, then, as yet, no accurate objective clock that will allow us to determine the absolute age of the majority of the rocks of the world.  Instead we have to go mainly on stratigraphical data and there too we find several problems" (quoted in Biological Essentialism, p. 327, see link below).  Kerkut wrote The Implications of Evolution and was the editor of Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology.


How about those gaps in the Rock Record?  Up to 200M years!


According to my Dictionary of Geological Terms (3e, ed. by Bates & Jackson, p. 368) a paraconformity is "An obscure of uncertain unconformity in which no erosion surface is discernible or in which the contact is a simple bedding plane ..."  I say the missing time never existed and we see relatively continuous  deposition.


How many "kinds" are there?

My book Biological Essentialism delves into the many mysteries of Essential Types of Life (ETL's), such as horses, hydras and humans, and challenges the transformist educational system:


As for the theological argument for a "New" Planet (not Old), be sure to catch this superb prose from Jason DeRouchie:


My books challenge Darwin & Deep Time:


** kudos >> collapse of planet graphic:


Where is Constance N. Opal? - 4 Lads ♫


FYI: My set of encyclopedias is World Book from 1977.



1) quoted in Evolution and Christian Faith by Bolton Davidheiser (Presbyterian and Reformed, 1969), pp. 288.


#YoungEarthScience #YES #YETI #YoungEarth_TheoryIntelligence #OEF #OldEarthFallacies #BoltonDavidheiser #Presbyterian #Reformed #Constantinople #Istanbul #NewAmsterdam #NYC #Theymight_BGiantz #FourLadz #Darwin #DeepTime #NewEarth #Youthful_World #Y6K #God #Bible #Jesus #JN316 #Gospel #RU_Chosen ? <>< ╬  #JasonDeRouchie #BioEss  #BiologicalEssentialism #paraconformity #DavidKitts #GeraldKerkut #TerryMortenson #AiG #CMI #icr #CRS #radiometric #Newsweek #Geology #FloodLegendz #GrandCanyon #SearchEngine #Got_MOSAIC ? #WorldBook