Monday, December 14, 2015

YES - the Young Earth Science podcast 2080 (Biological Essentialism)

How old is the earth?  Does it matter?  On today's podcast we will see how biological essentialism implies a young earth.  Is a bat a flying rat?  Have kangaroos always been kangaroos?  What is a liger?  What are ORFan (orphan) genes?  Learn more here about these fascinating topics.  Biological essentialism teaches that organisms vary within limits (see ch. 3 of YES - Young Earth Science).  Richard Dawkins made his opinion on essentialism clear:

... essentialism has been applied to living things and Ernst Mayr blamed this for humanity’s late discovery of evolution - as late as the nineteenth century.  If, like Aristotle, you treat all flesh-and-blood rabbits as imperfect approximations to an ideal Platonic rabbit, it won’t occur to you that rabbits might have evolved from a non-rabbit ancestor. [1]
Andrew Shtulman, Psychology Professor at Occidental, gave a talk at UCLA in 2011 on the topic of "Cognitive constraints on the understanding and acceptance of evolution."  He recognized that essentialism is a primary reason why people fail to adopt Darwinism.  Children at an early age develop an essentialist WorldView.  They quickly come to realize that crabs and seahorses belong to different Essential Types of Life (ETL's).
ORFan genes are unique to certain organisms and no similar genes have been found in supposedly related animals.  That is, there is no apparent "parent" genes in other organisms.  For instance, more than half of the proteins of the leaf-cutter ant (see above) are unique to itself among the expressed proteins.  

Biological essentialism leads to catastrophism and that favors a young earth perspective.  What evidence would be required to verify a young earth?  Let us hear from you:
Get your copy of YES - Young Earth Science today!


1) quoted in YES – Young Earth Science by Jay Hall (IDEAS, Big Spring, TX, 2014), p. 73.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

X-Files, Catastrophism and a Young Earth

In the first episode of the X-Files (Sep. 10, 1993), special agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) said this about alternate explanations,
J. Harlen Bretz proposed a huge flood through Montana, Idaho, Oregon and Washington that formed the Channeled Scablands.  The flood cut canyons up to 900 feet deep‼  For decades, Bretz suffered ridicule for his radical views.  However, in 1963, the International Association for Quaternary Research sent a telegram to Bretz ending “We are now all catastrophists.”  Bretz received the Penrose Medal (highest geology award) and claimed, "Perhaps, I can be credited with reviving and demystifying legendary Catastrophism and challenging a too rigorous Uniformitarianism." [1]

Should we always trust the experts?  Sometimes they are dead wrong.  Two intriguing books highlight this fact:
Consider the great Life-on-the-Moon hoax of 1835.  The New York Sun reported about research claimed to be from the Edinburgh Journal of Science that claimed that sentient beings were seen on the moon. [2]  This discovery was allegedly made by the very real mathematician, astronomer and chemist  Sir John Herschel (son of William Herschel who discovered Uranus ).

Scientific fraud is real.  In 2005, it was revealed that anthropologist Reiner Protsch von Zieten had fabricated false dates for ancient human fossils for decades. [3]  If the common dating methods are wrong and most of the rock record was formed catastrophically, then Young Earth Science (YES) is plausible.     
Are members of the academic elite ever willing to challenge ensconced conclusions?  Former Editor-in-Chief of the journal Philosophy of Science, Philip Kitcher, boldly declared that, “it is not necessary, and it may not even be true, that all species are historically connected.” [4]  If our favorite planet is young, evolution is left out in the cold.
Be curious - learn the facts that support YES - Young Earth Science.

1) YES - Young Earth Science by Jay Hall (IDEAS, Big Spring, TX, 2014), p. 93.
2) Regret the Error by Craig Silverman (Union Square Press, NYC, 2007), pp. 30-35.
3) Wrong by David Freedman (Little, Brown & Co., NYC, 2010), p. 256.
4) see the bottom of p. 347.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

No Fossil Trees with Thousands of Rings

Tree rings grow support for Young Earth Science (YES).  Tree Rings Matter.  What tree in the fossil record has the most rings?  There is a Sequoia specimen with 816 growth rings.  Just search “sequoia 89 by 68.”  Where are the fossil trees that are thousands of years old?  Sequoias, Redwoods, Bristlecone pines, Junipers and Olive trees can live for thousands of years.[1]  Why are there no 2K, 3K or 4K year old trees in the fossil record?  If the earth is young this is no problem.  How do supporters of Old Earth Fallacies (OEF’s) handle this enigma?    

Many attempt to avoid the weight of this argument by claiming that the fossil record of trees is not abundant.  The oldest forest trees are dated at 385M years by Big Science, so lack of fossil evidence is just an escape mechanism.  If there have been hundreds of millions of years for fossil trees to form, then why do we see no fossil trees with thousands of rings?  Trees can’t run away from tsunamis or floods.  We witnessed the initial formation of fossil trees in the 1980’s.  According to Wikipedia:

“…virtually identical lahar and stream deposits that contain buried upright standing trunks of forests and beds of transported logs and upright stumps were created by the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, and other Quaternary and Holocene eruptions of other Cascade Range volcanoes.  The Late Pleistocene lahar and stream deposits of Mount St. Helens contain buried prehistoric logs and in place (in situ) upright tree trunks that are in the initial stages of being naturally petrified by silica.” (emphasis added)
Erling Dorf (d. 1984) was a professor of Geology at Princeton.  He studied the fossil trees at Yellowstone and found that the average number of tree rings was 500 – far less than 4,000!  At one time the Yellowstone Fossil Forest was considered to have taken 20K years to form.[2]  Now a catastrophic interpretation is widely accepted.
Some might claim that redwoods don’t ever become fossilized, but that’s not the case.  The PetrifiedForest near Calistoga, CA has the largest fossil trees in the world.  There are redwoods and one pine that have been turned to rock.  The fossil tree named “The Queen” is estimated to have 2K rings, but this deposit is of relatively recent origin according to standard geological dating (3.4M).[3]  The point is, where are the trees from Jurassic times with 2K, 3K or 4K rings? 
Is the fossil record really woefully incomplete?  A scholarly work last century specifically addressed that very issue, The Adequacy of the Fossil Record edited by Stephen Donovan and Christopher Paul (Wiley, 1998).  Donovan and Paul demonstrate that protesting about the “incompleteness of the fossil record” is just an excuse.  This book deals specifically with the completeness of the fossil data.  The fossil record may be incomplete, but it is entirely adequate for most studies.
Tree rings ring true, Young Earth Science (YES) has friends in the forest.

1) YES - Young Earth Science by Jay Hall (IDEAS, Big Spring, TX, 2014), pp. 20, 21.
2) Hall, pp. 120, 121.

3) This count is apparently based on the width of the tree.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Turbidity Currents, Turbidites and You

Turbidites are gravity flow formations often generated by earthquakes. [1]  The 1929 Grand Banks earthquake (off Newfoundland, M=7.2) and turbidity current caused telegraph cables to break and thus record its speed.  The current deposited at least 175 km3 of sediment and formed a bed more than 1 m thick (gravel to coarse silt).  A significant portion of the rock record is made up of turbidites.  If much of the Geologic Column was formed rapidly, then maybe this is a young planet after all.  Young Earth Science?  YES you can!
The Cambrian Burgess Shale is a significant challenge to evolution.  Multiple phyla are found in the earliest rocks and no transitional forms are found in Pre-Cambrian layers.  This conundrum, known as the Cambrian Explosion, is delineated in my book. [2]  The Burgess Shale is considered to be a turbidite!  So we find more evidence that the rock record was formed quickly.  So the next time you bring up the Cambrian Explosion in a conversation, be sure to point out that it favors Young Earth Science (YES).

A classic turbidite follows the pattern of the Bouma sequence.  Turbidites are very common.  As Stéphanie Girardclos et al point out in Marine Geology, “Gravity flow deposits, and particularly turbidite deposits, are ubiquitous in the sedimentary and rock record, and are economically important as potential hydrocarbon reservoirs.” [3]  GerardMiddleton (Geology Dept., McMaster Univ., Canada) concurs:  “Beds deposited from turbidity currents (called turbidites) are one of the commonest types of sedimentary rocks … the majority of sandstones in the geologic record were deposited either from rivers or from turbidity currents …” [4]

Even some gypsum beds, often thought to be the result of a long process of evaporation, have been interpreted as turbidites. [5]  Actually, gypsum may form directly as a precipitate from hot volcanic springs. [6]  So the next time you look at your wall (gypsum board), know that it supports Young Earth Science (YES).

1) YES – Young Earth Science by Jay Hall (IDEAS, Big Spring, TX, 2014), p. 130.
2) Hall, pp. 84, 85, 116.
3) “The 1996 AD delta collapse and large turbidite in Lake Brienz” by Stéphanie Girardclos et al, Marine Geology 241 (2007) 137–154, p. 138, emphasis added.
4) “Sediment Deposition from Turbidity Currents” by Gerard Middleton, Annual Review Of Earth And Planetary Sciences, Volume 21, pp. 89-114, p. 90, emphasis added.
5) Evaporites: Sediments, Resources and Hydrocarbons by John Warren (Springer, 2006), p. 350.
6) Simon & Schuster’s Guide to Rocks and Minerals by Annibale Mottana et al (Simon & Schuster, NYC, 1978), entry 122 (gypsum).

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

YES - the Young Earth Science podcast 2079

How old is the earth?  Does it matter?  On today's podcast we will see how radioactive dating supports a young planet.  Click here to learn more.  Consider this shocking admission from R.L. Armstrong writing in the New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics:  

This is an inherent uncertainty in dating young volcanic rocks: anomalies may be detected only by stratigraphic consistency tests, independent dating techniques, and comparison with the known time scale of geomagnetic reversals during the last five million years. [1]

If radiometric dating has an epic fail on historic lava flows, how can we trust it for old rocks supposedly billions of years old?  Let’s labor to spread the news about a youthful world.  The Truth is out there – fight the Deep Past.
What is your reaction to these words of H.G. Wells (War of the Worlds)?  “The past is but the beginning of a beginning, and all that is and has been is but the twilight of the dawn.” – H.G. Wells

What evidence would be required to verify a young earth?  Let us hear from you:
Learn more about Young Earth Science (YES) by getting the bold new fully documented book.


1) “K-Ar Dating: Late Cenozoic McMurdo Volcanic Group and Dry Valley Glacial History, Victoria Land, Antarctica” by R.L. Armstrong, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, vol. 21 (1978), p. 692, emphasis added.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Pluto is Young

According to Eric Hand, writing at, “…parts of the dwarf planet’s [Pluto] surface are crater-free and therefore relatively young … [Pluto] has been geologically reworked in the recent past.”

Hand posits an enigma for followers of Old Earth Fallacies (OEF’s), “Radioactive elements in both bodies’ [Pluto and Charon the largest moon] interiors could provide some of the heat needed for geological mountain building or ice flows that repave the surface.  But Pluto, and especially Charon, are far too small for this heat to persist.”

Methane, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide may form a thin veneer over ice mountains on Pluto.  These layers would quickly sublimate into the atmosphere and erode into space.  If Pluto is young then we have no worries. 

New Horizons co-investigator Cathy Olkin expected that Charon would be an ancient terrain covered in craters.  The lack of craters implies Pluto and Charon are young – thousands of years maybe?

The lack of craters tells of a Young Pluto.  As George Dvorsky ( states, “…the surface of Pluto is young - really, really young.  To have a surface that young, Pluto must be an active world with processes that regularly resurface the terrain. The big question is: Where is this energy coming from?”
Pluto’s atmosphere is very quickly escaping into space – could this be a bold signal of its youth?  Michael Summers, deputy lead of the New Horizons atmosphere team said, “For an atmosphere that’s escaping like that, supersonically, into space, there's nothing like that in the solar system, except for the solar wind itself.”  If Pluto is young, the supposed scientific curiosity is vaporized.
How much did all this pro-YoungEarth research cost us?  Only $720M.  A more down-to-earth project is to help crowd fund a national survey on the age of the earth.  Young Pluto has a true friend in the fascinating book YES – Young Earth Science by Jay Hall.

Note: emphasis added in quotations.

Friday, July 3, 2015

YES - the Young Earth Science podcast 2078

How old is the earth?  Does it matter?  On today's podcast we will see how History supports a young planet.  Click here to learn more. 

The Sumerian King List has eight kings before the worldwide cataclysm that the epic of Gilgamesh relates.  If we convert the reigns from base 60 to decimal, we can see that the Sumerian King List sums to just seven millennia and not many 10's of thousands of years.  Could this provide support for the claim that the earth itself is only thousands of years old, and not billions? 
Celebrate your independence from Old Earth Fallacies (OEF's).  Happy Independence Day!  By the way, Ben Franklin held to a young earth.  
Search out the evidence for yourself by getting the book, YES - Young Earth Science.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Earth Shift

It is generally thought that continental drift is a slow process.  However, Alfred Wegener (d. 1930), the Father of Continental Drift, concluded that North America and Europe were moving apart from each other at 2.5 m per year! [1]  Could Rapid Plate Movements (RPM’s) fit into a more concentrated earth history and support Young Earth Science (YES)?

Consider the recent earthquake in Nepal (April 26, 2015).  The earth shifted vertically by 3 feet!  A region 75 miles by 30 miles was lifted upward according to geophysicist Tim Wright (Univ. of Leeds, UK).

It is estimated that Kathmandu moved 10 ft to the South!  Even more astonishing was Japan's Tohoku earthquake (EQ) which had plate movements of 50 meters‼  The largest earthquake in the Himalayas hit Assam in 1950 and displaced the land by 30 m.
A disaster film actually depicts the catastrophic shifting of tectonic plates which dooms Japan - Japan Sinks (2006, Nihon Chinbotsu).  This is scifi, but it is based on real science.  You can see clips from the movie here (w/ English subtitles).  According to Atsushi Utsunomiya et al, “A collapsed megalith accelerates a single-layered convection at a whole mantle scale.” [2]  Delamination was another process suggested for RPM.
To learn more about this topic, get YES – Young Earth Science where there is a whole chapter on Rapid Plate Movements (RPM’s).

1) YES – Young Earth Science by Jay Hall (IDEAS, Big Spring, TX, 2014), p. 148.
2) Superplumes: Beyond Plate Tectonics ed. by David Yuen, Shigenori Maruyama, Shun-ichiro Karato and Brian Windley (Springer, 2007 ed., 2014), p. 396, emphasis added.

Friday, May 8, 2015

YES - the Young Earth Science podcast 2077

How old is the earth?  Does it matter? Find out more by listening to our first podcast by clicking here.  Philosophy, Biology, Geology and History support a young planet.  Earth Day?  Young Earth Day!
Think about the bold explication from Walter Bedeker in the Twilight Zone episode "Escape Clause (@ the 4:43 mark), "The world goes on for millions of years and how long is a man's life?  ... a drop, a microscopic fragment."  How does your WorldView handle the Earth-Age question?

Check out our new young earth page on our website.  Are there any scholars that give the young earth view a fair shake?  What was the dominant position of most educated people for hundreds of years?  To learn the astounding answers, just go to and visit the page labeled Young Earth.  The shortcut to the site is  "for total truth - support earth's youth."

To hear our 2nd podcast on History and Young Earth Science (YES) click here.
YES - Young Earth Science is a bold and fresh approach to the age of the earth question.  Teach the controversy!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Doubt Old Earth Fallacies (OEF’s)

An AP-GfK poll published last year found that there are many who doubt that Earth Day celebrates a planet that’s 4.5B years old.  They surveyed 1,012 American adults (margin of error ±3.4%, .95 confidence level).

The survey found the following:
18% are not too confident that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old.
18% are not at all confident that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old.
So a full 36% doubt Old Earth Fallacies (OEF’s)!
Hear the real truth about Young Earth Science (YES) from this Wikipedia article.  Both history and science support YES.  Be sure to check out the YES website.  A shortcut is >>

Monday, March 16, 2015

Weasels, Woody and YES

Don’t let Old Earth Fallacies (OEF’s) make a weasel out of you.  Be wise like Woody and seek the truth!  A woodpecker has an amazing tongue – could this have formed "by the accumulation of innumerable slight variations" (Darwin)? 

Did your grandparents use coal to heat their home?  If we date coal using radiometric dating methods, do we get millions of years?  Or, do we obtain a date of thousands of years?  YES‼

Go to your nearest coal mine and have a sample dated.  I predict that the coal will yield a date of less than 50K years.  Coal supports Young Earth Science (YES).

It does not take a rocket scientist to avoid OEF’s, just read YES – Young Earth Science to see the evidence. 

Here is a shortcut to the site:

Weasel versus Woodpecker è YOU decide‼

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Atheism, Essentialism and Young Earth Science (YES)

Even non-theists can see that fish-to-Frank evolution does not work.  G.H. Harper is an atheist and holds to a steady state theory of species.  We propose the stasis of Essential Types of Life (ETL’s).  That is, what remains static in the living realm is at a higher level than species.  Horses trot out more ponies, pigs are pigs again and sharks have a hunger to reproduce more sharks.

Harper wrote “Darwinism and indoctrination” and “Alternatives to evolutionism” in the British education journal School Science Review in the late 1970’s. [1][2]  He proposed that there were special geological conditions during the Cambrian that favored the fossilization of trilobites for example.  A better explanation consistent with biological essentialism (basic types of life vary within limits) is that most of the fossil bearing rocks are part of a Singular Epoch of Rapid Geologic Activity (SERGA).   We detail this approach in our book YES: Young Earth Science.

J.R. Downie and N.J. Barron, writing in the Journalof Biological Education, note that, “Harper (1977; 1979) argues against the teaching of science by 'indoctrination' and suggests a number of alternatives to evolutionary explanations that could be used in discussion of species origins.”

Antony Flew (d. 2010) was a leading atheist for many years, but converted to Deism late in life.  Flew rejected evolution’s explanation regarding the Origin Of Life (OOL):  “How can a universe of mindless matter produce beings with intrinsic ends, self-replication capabilities, and ‘coded chemistry?’” [3]  If evolution is wrong about the start of life, maybe it is wrong about the Universal Common Ancestor (UCA) as well.

1) Harper, G. H. (1977) “Darwinism and indoctrination” School Science Review, 59, 258-268.
2) Harper, G. H. (1979) “Alternatives to evolutionism” School Science Review, 61, 15-27.
3) There is a God by Antony Flew (HarperCollins, NYC, NY, 2007), p. 124.

Special thanks to Francis Schaeffer Hall for the second illustration.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Polar Bears in London Support Young Earth Science (YES)

Polar bears in London have a message for the world:  "The consensus is in, Young Earth Science (YES) deserves a hearing."  How can this planet be super old when history only goes back a few thousand years?  Read YES - Young Earth Science to find out the cold truth and hard facts.
Without a time machine (from star dust to TARDIS?) how can we hope to date the past.  If our hour glass has has sticky sand or leaks you can't get the right time.  In like manner, radiometric dating methods are prone to many errors.
Be sure to check out the website for the latest on Young Earth Science (YES).  Have YOU seen polar bears in London?